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5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

 5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

The easy thing is to stay with the negative reviews, the ones that everyone knows, the ones that the media spread and not leave that surface. But the really interesting thing is in the background. Lady Gaga is not, as many believe, satanic, she is not at the top just for wealth or fame and she is not just another product of the industry.

Those who do not know her will never know that she has a big heart, that she adores her fans and that, as she says, with each of her inventions she spreads love. They all stick to the basics, criticizing her music and performances as having Illuminati symbology, that she wore a meat dress, that she gained weight, and that she had problems with marijuana. And why do they stop at just that?

Here we will give some reasons why admiring Lady Gaga is a true luxury. She has helped thousands of people around the world with her music, has supported the LGBT community to end discrimination, has given strength to those who felt despised and humiliated by society and has reached out to all those who they needed. She is an exemplary person who deserves to be recognized.

1. Unconditional support for the LGBT community

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga, since she jumped into the world of fame, has done nothing but support the LGBT community to end discrimination against this group through a multitude of initiatives. Her fight for equality has always been constant.

She fought against the US 'Don't ask, don't tell' law, has participated in San Francisco LGBT Pride marches or the National Equality March, and more recently, in June 2013, the singer gave a speech on New York Gay Pride day in favor of equality. There are so many performances of her, that it would be difficult to pronounce them all.

But not only because of her activities, Mother Monster has also fought for equality with her music. The song most involved in this theme is Born This Way, which has a very clear message: you should feel proud of how you were born. It doesn't matter what color you are, what country or what your orientation is; We are all human and we are all equal. The album that she released in 2011 as a whole has a message of strength and support for the condition and way of being of each one.

2. Born This Way Foundation

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

The Born This Way era was a time full of very powerful initiatives in which Lady Gaga was very involved in helping others. It was in 2011 when she, together with her mother Cynthia Germanotta, created the Born This Way Foundation. In it they are dedicated to "promoting a more tolerant society" with the intention of creating "a kinder and braver world".

It is a community that helps young people with social problems to connect with other people and share their experiences to help each other. Her message is clear: "We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe, empower and make a difference in the world. Together, we will move towards acceptance, courage and love." BTWF has had initiatives such as the Born Brave Bus, where unique experiences have been lived.

Not satisfied with this, and as a sign of how much she loves her fans, she also opened her own social network: Littlemonsters.com. The initial intention was to be closer to the Little Monsters and to be able to communicate with them in a more personal way. Since then, the singer has listened to thousands of people, she has advised many, and has even given the strength to live to people who wanted to take their own lives. She has always been attentive to all those who have had a bad time.

3. The activist side of Lady Gaga

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

Her concern for a better world goes further and she also cares for the most disadvantaged. Lady Gaga showed the most human side of her at the end of 2012 during her visit to Brazil with the BTW Ball, when she approached the Cantagalo favela of Rio de Janeiro. She interacted with the children who live there, and even sang and played with them with a ball. She also took the opportunity to learn about the Niño Esperanza social project, developed by UNESCO and the country's television channel Globo.

In this way, Mother Monster wanted to show her concern for some disadvantaged towns in the world.

4. She paid a fan for an operation

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

Emma has already become part of the Haus Of Gaga team. It is not for less. The relationship between this fan and the singer has been very close. When Mother Monster faced her hip surgery in early 2013 for a tear, she felt very supportive of her when she told him that she suffered from hip dysplasia and scoliosis. Lady Gaga was so moved that she decided to put her in contact with her surgeon and pay her all the costs of her operation, since they were very high amounts.

This is just one specific case of the many times that Lady Gaga has helped one of her fans. It was such a human and moving gesture that she deserved a special mention in this post.

5. His purpose is to spread love with each invention

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

The ARTPOP era has also been to bring out the best in each person and make this a more comfortable life. Now Lady Gaga wants that from her music, her art, everyone feels connected in community to spread one thing: love. The singer is bringing out the most artistic side of her and invites everyone to look inside her for what they do best. Art can only do one thing, make the world better.

Along these lines, the singer has also launched the "#SpreadLoveandKindness" initiative on social networks to end the war between fan-bases, and between her own fans. ARTPOP's message is clear and broad in every way: "We could belong together", together we can. That is why you have to love and respect each singer and artist, you have to enjoy the music and the creations of each one.

Further back in time, but also in relation to this, Mother Monster began a duel on social networks (more specifically on littlemonsters.com) so that everyone accepts her physical form as it is. The initiative took the name of "Body Revolution" and consists of showing your body, whatever it may be, through photographs. It is a form of self-acceptance and breaking with the canons of beauty established by society. With this he wanted to show that no matter how we are, we are all beautiful and that is why we must love each other.


Thus we end with this selection of the 5 reasons to admire Lady Gaga. It's a very short list that could be made much longer if we focused on everything Mother Monster has done for so many people.

5 Reasons to admire Lady Gaga

Those who know her will stop for a moment to think and remember how many times she has given her support to those who have needed it on social networks, at a concert, on the street, on television programs, how many she has hugged when they needed it. , how many has he kissed, how many roses has he given.

We would like to mention each one of those moments, but our effort this time has focused on mentioning in general terms only 5 reasons why we should admire her for being an exemplary woman, for being a human being with a big heart, a beautiful person who fights for a fairer world. She has deservedly earned the nickname Goddess Of Love.

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