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Jennifer Aniston made the worst carelessness with her clothes and showed what she shouldn't

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 Jennifer Aniston made the worst carelessness with her clothes and showed what she shouldn't

Jennifer Aniston made the worst carelessness with her clothes and showed what she shouldn't

That awkward moment when you realize you forgot to remove the tag from the dress you're wearing... It's happened to all of us but, fortunately, not many can say it was on a red carpet. Not many, but Jennifer Aniston, who went through that embarrassing moment a few days ago during the premiere of her film Office Christmas Party in New York.

The actress she looked elegant in a black jumpsuit, which she accompanied with a Céline signature coat of the same color, a garment that she still wore the price tag. At that time, Jenn did not realize what was happening and she posed as if nothing had happened in front of the lens of the photographers, who did notice the detail.

Jennifer Aniston made the worst carelessness with her clothes and showed what she shouldn't

Days later, the actress told the anecdote on the Jimmy Kimmel show and there, she revealed that this was not the worst: “Here comes the saddest part of this story, I have worn this coat four times. It was kindly given to me after shooting a commercial, I took it home and didn't worry too much, to be honest. And now after wearing it four times, this happens to me. I don't know what I was thinking, really. And on top of that, it wasn't even a small label."

With good humor, Aniston accepted the taunts of the host of the show, who jokingly asked her if she had stolen it, to which she replied with a curious anecdote from her childhood. “When I was eight years old I stole beads to make necklaces from a haberdashery. I was on my way to my friend Monique's house, without our parents… that says enough about how things worked back then. We were young and we thought we were the best. When we got to her room we put them all on her bed, thinking of all the necklaces we could make. We didn't try to hide them or anything… we weren't very clever thieves. And her mother caught us. We had to go back to the store to return them.”

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