These Are The Photos Posted By A Paparazzi That Will Shame Celebrities They Won't Want You To See
Max Butterworth released a series of images that include "top" celebrities such as Prince Harry, Kate Middleton and singer Cheryl.
If you are a celebrity and you think that hot flashes are forgotten over time… mistake. On many occasions, the archive is implacable and the paparazzi keep their records in a kind of "safe" that, for them, is worth gold. A renowned celebrity photographer, Max Butterworth, decided it was time to dust off some memories, the fruit of his years of work.
These are not images that favor celebrities. Rather the complete opposite. They are images that will embarrass them and, if they could, they would do the impossible so that you do not see them. The photos -in black and white- date from 2005 to 2008 and were obtained after leaving nightclubs, bars or hotels after a party that lasted all night.
Those involved, all influential public figures, include royals including Prince Harry, Prince William and Kate Middleton, singers Cheryl, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Jamiroquai and Amy Winehouse, Jennifer Aniston and David and Victoria Beckham.
Kate Middleton and Prince William
Victoria Beckham, outside a restaurant, surrounded by photographers
David Beckham also suffered from the photographers, although he had better luck getting to his car
Jamiroquai, in fighting pose
Madonna tries to elude the journalistic guard after a rowdy night
Cheryl, ex-member of “Girls Aloud”, very affectionate with another woman
Amy Winehouse, who died in 2011, leaving a party with her husband
Jennifer Aniston, after a hectic night, she seems not to want to see her face
Michael Jackson, smiling at his fans behind dark glasses