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Video: Trump and Wife Melania have MASSIVE FIGHT at Mar-a-Lago

Video: Trump and Wife Melania have MASSIVE FIGHT at Mar-a-Lago 

Trump and Wife Melania have MASSIVE FIGHT at Mar-a-Lago

So there's a difficult situation in heaven people and it's revolved around Donald trump his significant 

other Melania and their extravagance resort deface a-Lago down in Florida furthermore what this is 

truly  about is the avarice and affectation and frantic monetary circumstance that Donald and Melania are  ending up in since apparently they're holding they're facilitating together a major occasion down at 

damage a-Lago charging individuals 250 000 to go to as much as 250 and it's apparently about aiding 

the conservative party reclaim the house reclaim the  senate in 2022 however practically all of that

cash will go to two sources one Donald trump's mission assets and two their own pockets since damage 

a-Lago being possessed by the couple is going to bring in cash off the cooking and all the occasion 

space being leased what not furthermore conservatives are distraught and this is  beginning somewhat 

of a battle in light of the fact that behind the scenes there's a genuine protesting with regards to the 

deception here it says donald trump will charge top paying visitors 250 000 to go to a reclaim congress 

competitor gathering at his blemish a-Lago resort in Florida this month with continues going

to his own super Pac rather than conservatives who will really attempt to reclaim congress nor is 

the top cost  label which ensures a private supper also picture with trump as well as celebrity

sitting at the gathering essentially the full expense for any couple who decides to pay it on twitter on 

Wednesday the new York times columnist and trump watcher Maggie Haberman said 250k allows you to pay for the blemish a-Lago visitor room underlining trump's hold on the party

Haberman brought up that the previous president is spending basically no cash on different conservatives yet he's attempting to

fund-raise for his gathering utilizing legislative conservatives the blemish a-lago occasion is notionally focused on the midterm races in november this year where

conservatives are expected to reclaim the house and conceivably the senate however as it notes none of 

the cash is going to the legislative conservatives none of it is going to the senate conservatives or

legislative conservatives and say swing areas in swing states or that each minimal last dollar could 

make the contrast among triumph and rout no it's all going into the cash safes individual what's more 

political of an even person officially said he will run once more what's more regardless of whether he it 

will not be until he runs for president in 2024 right around three years from now so that is truly what

everything revolves around here Donald trump and Melania trump are totally eager and frantic for cash 

and it's making a part of issues it's truly making the sense that Donald trump is raising all

this cash well everybody he's support is bombing right now bad habit just had an article out showing that everybody Donald trump is moving in these conservative primaries is losing enormous in their

raising money they're all losing to the conservatives they're testing the individuals testing Murkowski and Cheney and these different conservatives are  losing huge and Marjorie Taylor green and

matt entryways their pack is losing it's  essentially bankrupt thus to an ever increasing extent

conservatives are understanding that while  Donald trump by and by is doing a ton of raising money and him and Melanie are  making a lot of cash at deface a-Lago

they're not really profiting from it so watch out for this in light of the fact that Melania  furthermore Donald they're obviously becoming penniless they know the main way they can make

cash is by having these occasions at damage a-Lago where they can not just politically gather pledges yet put some of  the cash into their own pockets however it's beginning to outrage different conservatives furthermore assuming they get a feeling that Donald

trump's raising money doesn't come off on them the steadfastness that is there will vanish and they'll be in every way in poor people house

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