Angelina Jolie performs top*-*less scenes after her double mastectomy
Three years ago, the actress underwent a double mastectomy to avoid possible cancer. And now she is encouraged to show her brea-*-*sts in her new movie 'Front the sea
Three years ago, Angelina Jolie made an important decision in her life. The actress underwent a double mastectomy to avoid possible cancer. Until now, we have only been able to intuit how her chest has turned out after the surgical intervention because of how the garments feel. However, now we can see the full result, since Angelina has performed topless scenes in her new movie 'Front the sea'.
'By the sea', the original name of the film, is a production directed, written and starring Angelina along with her husband, Brad Pitt, with whom she returns to work. The plot, which takes place in the seventies in France, tells the story of a couple in crisis, that of Vanessa (Jolie), a retired dancer, and her husband Roland (Pitt), an American writer.
"I do not have anything to hide"
Angelina has n*de scenes with her husband Brad. "I have nothing to hide," said the actress about it, she collects 'Daily Star'. Angelina assures that the script for the film was written before her operation, but even so, she was determined to do everything that it contained 100%. The actress has claimed that the scene in which she and her husband are inti-ma-te in a bathroom in the film is "proof" of her "union". Do you have an iOS or Android mobile device? Download the Vanitatis APP on your phone or tablet and don't miss out on television news. For iOS, click here, and for Android, here.