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Chris Rock's joke took Will Smith back to his traumatic childhood

 Chris Rock's joke took Will Smith back to his traumatic childhood

Chris Rock's joke took Will Smith back to his traumatic childhood

Will Smith is currently seeking therapy post Oscar smackdown

Chris Rock's joke on Jada Pinkett Smith reportedly took  Will Smith back to his traumatic  childhood after which the actor has been seeking therapy.

According to The Sun, a source has confirmed that the King Richard actor was triggered by Rock’s remarks about his wife that took him back to his traumatic childhood when the star’s father used to abuse his mother.

"Will knows he’s battling to save his career, his reputation and even his Oscar. He’s horrified by the turn of events and is filled with a deep sense of shame,” the insider spilled to the outlet.

“He is happy to have some more therapy for his unresolved childhood issues and will do what he can to make good on his momentary lapse in judgment,” the source added.

“Essentially, though, Will was deeply triggered by Chris’ demeaning comments about his wife’s alopecia. He was taken straight back to childhood, seeing his mum getting abused by his dad,” the insider explained.

This came after Smith admitted in his own statement, posted on social media, "Violence in all of its forms is poisonous and destructive.”

"My behaviour at last night’s Academy Awards was unacceptable and inexcusable. Jokes at my expense are a part of the job, but a joke about Jada’s medical condition was too much for me to bear and I reacted emotionally,” he added.

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