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Here's Why Emma Watson Blames The Paparazzi For Ruining Her 18th Birthday

Here's Why Emma Watson Blames The Paparazzi For Ruining Her 18th Birthday

Here's Why Emma Watson Blames The Paparazzi For Ruining Her 18th Birthday

Paparazzi are an enigma in Hollywood. Some celebrities like the attention, while others can really do without it. But every time a celebrity warns them, they make things worse for celebrities who really want to be left alone. Either way, they can get really nasty whether you want them there or not. Most of the time, they overstep their limits, get too close and don't really care when they do; they are so wild. They get the pictures and at the same time give some celebrities and their families serious mental disorders. 

Harry Potter's 18th birthday Emma Watson is a perfect example of a time when the paparazzi took things too far and took more than they should. It's a delicate story, but it shouldn't be forgotten. Any story that deals with one's mental health and rights must be heard, and any story that exposes the true horrors some paparazzi inflict on their subjects must be told, no matter how horrible. 

But Watson is turning her experiences into conversations we need to have. See how the paparazzi ruined Watson's birthday and how she's turning her story into an example.

Watson used her story in conversations about blatant s*xism

 Watson knows what it's like to be misrepresented in the media. Since she was just a little girl, the press scrutinized, dramatized and distorted every little detail of her life. Remember those rumors that she “cracked” the set of This Is the End? Or the more recent rumors that she's stopped acting? 

Watson is a smart girl; in fact, she is more than intelligent; Her IQ technically classifies her as gifted, so we have every faith the actress can make the right decisions about her life and global issues she loves to support, including gender equality.

She is a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and helped create the UN Women's HeForShe campaign, so women's rights are paramount to her. Of course, you can imagine she got carried away when The Sun started an absurdly inappropriate countdown to when she turned 18 (UK legal age).

 Prior to the #MeToo movement in 2017, Watson opened up about the incident and its aftermath. , where photographers chased her to take pictures over her skirt, with actor Forest Whitaker at her HeForShe Arts Week in New York. She said it was just another example of the "spread of blatant sexism".

“I remember on my 18th birthday I walked out of my birthday party and photographers lay on the pavement and took pictures of my skirt, which were published on the cover of the English tabloid the next morning,” she explained. “If they had posted the photos 24 hours earlier, they would have been illegal, but since I had just turned 18, they were legal.” She touched on how differently she was treated compared to her Harry Potter co-stars as well.

“Obviously Dan [Radcliffe] and Rupert [Grint], who were my male co-stars, don't wear skirts, but I think it's just one example of how my transition to femininity was treated very differently by the tabloid press. to my male colleagues,” she explained.

She has progressive ideas about feminism. 

Additionally, in 2016, Watson told Esquire that she used to be afraid to go home alone and that she was groped more than occasionally. But through those experiences, she was and still is determined to keep the conversations about equality alive.

“I had people following me,” she told the magazine. “I don't talk much about these experiences because coming from me, they're going to sound like a big deal, and I don't want this to be about me, but most women I know have been there and worse... that's unfortunately. how it is. It is much more widespread than we recognize. It shouldn't be an acceptable fact of life that women should be afraid. She went on to say that the issue needs to be addressed between men and women and that feminism must stop being labeled as 'creepy jargon'.

“It's no use me saying, 'All of you have to stop reading this article and decide you're feminists.' That's useless, the only thing that will make a difference is if men go away and talk to the women in their lives about the that they are experiencing.

“It's important to note that this isn't about convincing you that it's worth engaging in gender equality just because there might be something to it for you. Or to your sister or your mother. The question is, what does this mean for humans? “Watson also proved that he will not be a part of any scene where a woman is portrayed in a bad way, and why should he? If Watson really wanted to retire, we would obviously miss her, but we would also understand and respect her decision and be grateful that she wants to come out and be more helpful in the fight against sexism. We need more voices like hers. She really is like a real life Hermione Granger. Except she's not fighting for house-elves' rights through SPEW; she is fighting for every woman on Earth.

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