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Is Lindsay Lohan scene lives rent-free in your head

Is Lindsay Lohan scene lives rent-free in your head

'The Canyons' trailer released: Lindsay Lohan  more than her soul as troubled actress

It's art imitating LiLo.

After several years of being better known as a troubled starlet mired in scandals than an actress, Lindsay Lohan is finally returning to the big screen ...  to play a troubled actress mired in scandal.

The first full trailer of the 27-year-old actress' comeback film, "The Canyons," steamed up the Internet on Thursday, and it's clear from the one minute and 15 seconds of footage that director Paul Schrader landed the perfect star for the erotic noir thriller.

Lohan plays an actress attempting to hide a secret from her past from her movie producer boyfriend (played by former movie star James Deen).

"I guess I'd like to keep some parts of my life private," says Lohan's Tara in a rare break between love scenes.

The former child actress's once-promising movie career has been derailed in recent years by a succession of legal troubles and rehab stints. Most recently, she had a cameo alongside Charlie Sheen in "Scary Movie V" and starred as Elizabeth Taylor in the critically reviled Lifetime movie "Liz & Dick."

But even on the set of "The Canyons," Lohan couldn't ditch her reputation for turning a set into a circus sideshow-like atmosphere.

In January, audio of the "Mean Girls" actress screaming at Deen to "do your f--king job" was leaked on TMZ.com.

Schrader defended his star - sort of - in an essay published in the July/August issue of Film Comment, in which he compared Lohan to Marilyn Monroe.

"Similarities? Tardiness, unpredictability, tantrums, absences, neediness, psychodrama—yes, all that," he wrote, "but something more, that thing that keeps you watching someone on screen, that thing you can't take your eyes off of, that magic, that mystery."

That magic is clearly on display, if only briefly, in "The Canyons" trailer.

"The Canyons," written by Breat Easton Ellis of "American Psycho" notoriety, hits theaters on Aug. 2.

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