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Kaley Cuoco was very uncomfortable filming the love scenes of 'The Flight Attendant', according to her co-star

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 Kaley Cuoco was very uncomfortable filming the love scenes of 'The Flight Attendant', according to her co-star

Kaley Cuoco was very uncomfortable filming the love scenes of 'The Flight Attendant', according to her co-star

"I guess she didn't have scenes like that in 'The Big Bang Theory," Michiel Huissman said. Still, Kaley nailed it and has received a lot of recognition for her role.

The Flight Attendant, the new series by Kaley Cuoco, has only brought good things to the ex of The Big Bang Theory, who a few months ago received her first nomination for the Golden Globes and, in addition, managed to get the first major project of his production company Yes, Norman was a real hit with viewers. However, the actress has confirmed on several occasions that the road ahead was quite bittersweet. On the one hand because of her fears regarding the reception of fiction, a project that she had personally opted for, but also because of leaving Penny behind and presenting herself to the audience with such a different character.

Now, we have been able to learn about another of the potholes that Cuoco had to face with The Flight Attendant through the statements of her co-star, the former Game of Thrones, Michiel Huisman. According to the interpreter, whom you will not have forgotten as the lover of Daenerys Daario Naharis, the actress was quite "uncomfortable" when shooting the love scenes of the HBO series.

"I imagine that something like this did not happen in The Big Bang Theory," Huissman began by explaining in his interview with the This Morning program, pointing out that Cuoco had never shot an intimate scene of these characteristics. "We were doing our first scene of this kind and I didn't realize that he was kind of floating on top of me, not really sitting on my legs." Her position ended up becoming awkward and he, after spending a while wondering what was going on, ended up asking her directly.

It turns out that she was very uncomfortable and that she had no idea how to do this. She was trying not to touch me

Kaley Cuoco may have been uncomfortable, but the truth is that her praised work is not noticeable in the final result. As you will remember in The Big Bang Theory it was more than clear that Leonard and Penny had an active and fun s*x life, but being the series a very white 'sitcom', the moment after and under the sheets was always shown.

In The Flight Attendant, the character of Cuoco, whose performance has been recognized by the Golden Globes, the Screen Actors Guild and the Critics' Choice, is very different: Cassie Bowen, a stewardess who after a night of drinking and playing gets up next to a corpse. The one with Michael Huissman's character. The series has already been renewed for a second season that will be released in 2022.

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