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Katy Perry, an American Idol judge, has a wardrobe malfunction when her skintight leather pants split during a performance

 Katy Perry, an American Idol judge, has a wardrobe malfunction when her skintight leather pants split during a performance

Katy Perry, an American Idol judge, has a wardrobe malfunction when her skintight leather pants split during a performance

Teenage Dream, performed live by KATY Perry, suddenly turned into a nightmare.

On Monday’s broadcast of American Idol, her skintight leather leggings SPLIT wide open in a wardrobe disaster.

In a preview for the March 28th programme acquired by People, Katy, 37, broke into a surprise performance of her 2009 single Teenage Dream.

Katy Perry, an American Idol judge, has a wardrobe malfunction when her skintight leather pants split during a performance

Katy Perry, an American Idol judge, has a wardrobe malfunction when her skintight leather pants split during a performance

That wasn’t the only thing that ripped, as her skintight red leather leggings did as well.

As she performed, she wore poetically suitable trousers – the No. 1 track cites “skintight denim” – and a tight curve-flaunting cow-print blouse.

She was joined by judges Luke Bryan and Lionel Richie, who sang along with piano accompaniment until she burst into tears.

The competitors, who also stood up and sang, are competing in Hollywood Week, which means they’ve made the initial cut and are now being paired up for further performances.

As Katy sung the “skintight jeans” section of the song, a RIP could be heard as she bent down and crooned.

Season 20 of the popular television show debuted on February 27, 2022.

The remaining candidates, who had all earned “platinum tickets” to their initial auditions, gasped in astonishment.

“They busted,” Luke, 45, shouted, as the participants began to laugh and point, and the evidence was covered up by a programme logo.

“The show is officially done!” Lionel, 75, said.

Katy then asked for help, stopping the song and begging, “Can I get some tape – some gaffer tape?”

In typical Katy flair, she stayed bent over the judge’s table as crew and Luke began patching up her red trousers with yellow tape.

Katy then continued with the concert, despite the fact that a giant yellow T of tape could be visible across her behind.


Katy experienced a similar difficult scenario during the 2018 season when she taped up her outfit.

Katy LIFTED up her silver dress to discover her clothing had ripped and flaunted her bare bottom to the judges and participants in a footage the megastar subsequently published on Twitter.

“I have good news and terrible news today – I won’t be able to live stream #AmericanIdol today, but I CAN guarantee you some pants splitting fun,” she said on Twitter.

The singer’s “fun” side was on full show during her $163 million 2021 Las Vegas residency, which included setpieces including a huge toilet and backing singing frogs.

Just Sam, née Samantha Diaz, is a 23-year-old singer-songwriter from Harlem, New York, and the winner of American Idol 2020.

Chayce Beckham, a 26-year-old singer-songwriter from Apple Valley, California, was crowned American Idol 2021.

This season of American Idol can be seen on ABC on Sundays at 8 p.m. ET.

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