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Natalie Portman‘s most scandalous Black Swan scene

Natalie Portman‘s most scandalous Black Swan  scene

Natalie Portman‘s most scandalous Black Swan  scene

According to BANG Showbiz, the film, which is about two ballerinas competing for the main role in Swan Lake, has a particularly explicit moment in which Natalie’s character Nina is found by her mother pleasuring herself.

Shooting the sequence was “So disgusting,” Portman told MTV News. “It was akin to the experience of watching the movie with my parents sitting next to me, let me tell you,” she laughed.

The film also includes a moment in which Natalie’s character Nina and her competitor Lily – portrayed by Mila Kunis – have a lesbian romp, which Mila begged her father not to see when the two of them went to watch the movie.

She said: “He was like, ‘I don’t think I should see the movie. I was like, ‘See the movie. There’s going to be a point; get up and leave.’

“I don’t think any dad should see. It’s just not necessary.”

However, Natalie insists that the s*x scenes are not the most disturbing component of Darren Aronofsky’s picture.

The “finger scene” in which Nina tugs at a loose bit of flesh on her finger, causing it to bleed, was also extremely disturbing, according to the 29-year-old.

“The finger moment is pretty,” she said. “It makes my blood curdle.”

“Black Swan,” which has already received critical acclaim and a slew of Oscar nominations for Portman, depicts the story of what happens when two ballet dancers (Portman and Mila Kunis) compete for the lead in a rendition of “Swan Lake.”

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