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The most disgusting thing a talk show host did or said to a celebrity

The most disgusting thing a talk show host did or said to a celebrity

The most disgusting thing a talk show host did or said to a celebrity

I think that David Letterman, the king of late-night TV, was incredibly insensitive to Emma Watson in 2009.

When she attended the premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in London, Emma grabbed her dress so she wouldn't step on it, and as she did it she accidentally revealed her underwear to the cameras. The moment was embarrassing for her, and it could have been just that, an embarrassing moment, as it didn't go viral at the time, unlike the photos the paparazzi took up her skirt the day she turned 18.

The most disgusting thing a talk show host did or said to a celebrity

As she thought that this little incident at the premiere was behind her, she went on the David Letterman show. They were having a friendly banter and they were both in good spirits, but then David picked up a photo and by looking at Emma realizing what he's about to show the audience it was clear that she was unhappy with the situation. He showed her, the audience present and the audience at home, one of the pictures taken when she had the wardrobe malfunction and said:

Tell us what's going on here, Emma. Wow!

The audience laughed and Emma took a moment before she answered and said:

This was a small wardrobe malfunction… that happened. I don't actually remember when this happened… umm… At least I'm wearing underwear.

The audience applauded her comment and David chuckled and put the picture down on the table. As she placed her hands on her head and tried not to look too uncomfortable to the audience, she said:

I'm still learning, I'm still learning.

The most disgusting thing a talk show host did or said to a celebrity

David literally went from asking her about school and her life to showing this picture and bringing it to the attention of the masses (and the media who ate it up as you can see in the picture above) without caring how it would make Emma feel. It's a pity that she, who has always been classy and doesn't do anything inappropriate unlike many other celebrities, had to go through this, as many women did in his interviews.

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