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Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

 Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

Although it seemed that her chapter was completely closed, the singer made some remarks a few days ago that she now explains

Britney Spears has found in her Instagram account a space to be able to share her thoughts, and although a few weeks ago she had disappeared from the network, when she came back she called attention to the fact that she mentioned -briefly- to Justin Timberlake. In a writing in which she accused her mother and her sister, as she has done recently, the singer with whom she had a highly publicized relationship in her youth, she was mentioned. In the writing that would quickly disappear from his profile, he pointed out that his 'ex', without putting Timberlake's name and surname, had used it on his first album using his name and showing that he had not treated him well - how to forget the Cry Me A River video in which the model emulated Britney-. Although the message disappeared, it is now that Britney has decided to explain why she has been until now, after decades, that she has touched on the subject publicly.

Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

Britney's message

“I want to refer to my recent publication recapping my past, from what I understand, for many it is confusing… why express myself now? I'm writing a book right now, and it's actually healing and therapeutic, (but) it's also hard to bring past events into my life. I have never been able to express myself openly! I can only imagine that I sound childish, but I was extremely young when those events took place, and in referring to them now, I am sure it seems irrelevant to most and I am fully aware of that. But instead of using my heart, I am using the intellectual approach that Justin respectfully used when he apologized to Janet and me, although he has never been bullied or threatened by his family, he took the opportunity to apologize 20 years later! Britney's message begins, making it clear that timing is everything.

"My mom and sister also had their indulgent 'intellectual approach' by writing their own books, when I couldn't even have a cup of coffee or drive my car, or anything really! I'm not the type of person to bring up awkward conversations simply because it's not respectful, but let's talk about it! When I was growing up there was a more playful and lighthearted approach to everything, it was easy not to take you so seriously. However, in the business, let's just say that I was treated as if I were less, "continues Britney. “I never felt listened to!”, writes the singer who says that during her conservatorship she felt as if she were in a sect, “Now I see what the greed and envy of men and the damage that people can do”.

Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

Britney goes on to speak particularly about one episode during quarantine, writing, “Unfortunately folks, I don't forget. And I'm here to remind people what not to do, like what my family did to me so we can do better for the next generation." Spears continues narrating another episode, when her friends went to see her in Las Vegas, but since she was not allowed to enter the spa, she had to wait for them outside, without any of them saying anything or thinking anything strange about the situation.

"Sorry if I have offended anyone by writing these stories, but just as my sister can legally mention my name in her book more than 200 times, cry on television... I also have the right to share a couple of paragraphs on my Instagram," he concluded. .

The apology to which Britney refers

Justin has referred to Britney a couple of times in recent years, especially when the conservatorship scandal occurred a few months ago. Given the many criticisms he received, Timberlake decided to apologize to Britney and Janet Jackson -for the situation in the Super Bowl-, through the message that Spears now refers to. “I have seen the messages, tags, comments and concerns and I want to respond. I deeply regret the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem, where I spoke out of turn, or where I did not speak up for what was right. I understand that I have fallen short in these moments and in many others, and have benefited from a system that condones misogyny and racism,” the singer wrote.

Britney Spears explains why she wrote against Justin Timberlake

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