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Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

 Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

The Democrat has a history marked by his extensive political career, family tragedies and controversial decisions that have led him to give explanations; Biden will be in the presidency until 2025.

Joe Biden has been the president of the United States since January 20, 2020, this after having won against the re-election bid of Republican Donald Trump. The Democrat will be in office until 2025, if he does not contest his reelection as president of the United States. In his life, a long political career stands out as a senator and vice president of the United States and the unfortunate death of members of his family, which made him enter the race for the White House at the hands of his wife Jill and the support of former President Barack Obama, as well as current Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Catholic senator from Delaware who became president

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was born on November 20, 1942 in Scranton, Pennsylvania, but as a child he moved to Claymont, Delaware. His personal biography highlights that he comes from a small house in North Washington where he shared with his parents and his three brothers.

He is the son of Joseph Robinette Biden Sr. and Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden, a couple with deep Irish Catholic roots, who had to face an economic crisis that forced them to move to Delaware. The family did not reach that state at a good time, the pressure to bring money home and the threat of alcoholism meant that at times living together was not easy.

A little Joe Biden witnessed how his father sold vehicles, while he was teased for his stutter, a fact that did not prevent him from expressing himself publicly, motivating him to study history and political science at the University of Delaware, to continue with a law degree at Syracuse University.

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

"Throughout my teenage and college years, men and women were changing the country: Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and I was swept away by the eloquence, conviction, and sheer size of their unlikely dreams." ”, says Biden on his website.

Joe Biden's personal life has several situations, some of them marked by the death of important members of his family.

In 1972, after being elected as a senator, Biden received a call informing him that his wife Neilia and their children Joe 'Beau', Hunter and one-year-old Naomi had been involved in an accident after a trailer hit them. rammed

From this unfortunate event, both the woman and the girl died, while 4-year-old Joe and 2-year-old Hunter were still injured. Joe Biden had to be sworn in as a senator in the hospital while the two little ones recovered from injuries.

In 1977, the still senator married his second and current wife, the English teacher Jill Jacobs (Biden), with whom, in addition to raising the two children, they had Ashley in 1980.

A career as a senator until becoming Obama's vice president

Joe Biden's political career began at a very young age, in 1969, when he won the New Castel County Council elections in Delaware, after having been in a law firm. Already in 1973, at the age of 30, the Democrat became a senator for that same state, which he calls "home."

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

For Biden, walking the halls of the United States Congress is not a rarity, since he was a senator from Delaware from 1972 to 2008, when he had to fully see the presidencies of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

As for the elections, although he has been elected six times as a senator from Delaware, he had to step aside for the 1988 presidential race, after being accused of plagiarizing a campaign speech and an academic text while he was in college.

Biden's senatorial career has had several controversial points and others with a wide margin of support, including his work as editor and leader of the Violence Against Women Act, he has faced the National Rifle Association (NRA), highlighting his support for background checks and advocated preventing the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity drums.

Biden was also one of the biggest promoters in the Senate of advocating for United States Foreign Relations, highlighting his role in internal protection projects against international terrorist threats, as well as the opioid crisis, which led to the consumption of imported drugs. for drug trafficking in Me xico and Colombia.

It is precisely this point that perhaps also motivated him to support the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and in 2003 he supported the decision of then President George W. Bush to send troops to Iraq, where he himself said that the president was right to send military personnel for the search for Saddam Hussein and the dismantling of weapons of mass destruction that supposedly were in that territory.

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

During the Republican administration, I also supported extending tax cuts to companies, in addition to supporting the financial rescue of Wall Street in 2008. As a senator until 2008, when he decided to accompany Barack Obama as vice president, a position he held during the two terms of the first African-American president of the United States.

There Biden stood out again in strengthening the ties of the United States with other nations, as well as in domestic politics, where his political career made him empathetic and reach agreements with the Republicans on Capitol Hill, since among his functions is the be the president of the Senate. In fact, from there he was the one who most promoted the Obamacare health plan.

Being a high-level official, he also served as the representative of the United States to the world, where he sought to strengthen ties between European allies, as well as in Latin America —where Mexico stands out—, and to be present in bilateral meetings with the president. Russian, Vladimir Putin.

The 2020 elections and his arrival at the presidency

It was the third time that he competed for the presidency of the United States, previously he did it in 1988 and then in 2008, only getting to be in the Democratic primaries. He intended to run for the White House, but Barack Obama asked him to make way for Hillary Clinton to run against Donald Trump.

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

In the 2016 elections he also ruled out seeking the presidency of the United States after the death in 2015 of his son "Beau" Biden, who had served in the army from brain cancer. He was one of the most critical politicians after the rise of the Republican and tycoon Donald Trump to the White House after winning at the polls.

In 2019 he decides to start his presidential candidacy with the Democrats. However, his start was bumpy amid the controversies around him due to alleged accusations of sexual abuse committed previously and the drug use of his other son, Hunter, as well as his involvement in the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which Trump used to discredit him.

His candidacy was driven by two factors: having won the primaries in North Carolina and the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, in which the Democrats suspended the internal elections and chose to give the unanimous candidacy to Biden.

During the campaign, it was not uncommon for Obama himself to actively participate in his nomination as a Democratic candidate during the party's convention. The former president sees his former collaborator and candidate for the White House as a friend. The polls at that time put Biden ahead, but still with a slight chance of victory for the Republican.

After the presidential elections of November 3, 2020, Biden manages to win the presidency of the United States against the Republican, both in number of electoral colleges and votes. Trump denounced for two months that the Democrat committed electoral fraud, challenging the result in court, whose radicalization led to the assault on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021.

Who is Joe Biden, the president with a veteran career in US politics?

Biden assumed the presidency of the United States on January 20, 2021, when Trump did not attend the inauguration. In turn, the Democrats regained control of both houses of Congress.

Since then, his presidency has turned into shadows and a loss of popularity due to the failed departure of US troops in Afghanistan, as well as the division in the US Congress for the approval of his investment agenda in the country — The Infrastructure Plan and the Social Expenditure Plan—as well as the migratory crisis that was unleashed after removing the measures imposed by Trump.

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