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Amber Heard sobbingly accuses Johnny Depp of raping her with a bottle

The actress also claims that her ex-husband hit her on a plane out of jealousy of James Franco

Amber Heard returned to testify on Thursday against her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, in the trial that she faces both in a civil lawsuit before a court in Fairfax (Virginia). To questions from her lawyer, the 36-year-old actress reviewed her relationship with Depp, from her falling in love and her wedding, to the episodes in which she accuses him of having beaten, mistreated or abused her. sexually from her. The most dramatic part of her statement came in the afternoon, when Heard described between tears and sobs an attack by Depp, 58, against her with a bottle with which he came to penetrate her, according to her testimony. The attack happened in Australia in March 2015, when Depp was shooting the fifth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga in that country.

They were arguing over drink. Depp faced her. “He was yelling at me and saying that I had ruined his life: ‘I fucking hate you. You've ruined my fucking life,' he told me. I look into his eyes, and I don't see him anymore. He was not him. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I was trying to communicate with Johnny and I couldn't see him at all,” she recounted. "At one point, he had a broken bottle against his neck area at the jaw, and he told me he was going to cut my face," she said.

Heard stated that she did not remember the exact sequence of events, but that she penetrated her with a bottle. "I remember that he didn't want to move me because he didn't know if it was broken (...). I just remember thinking, 'Please, God, please, I hope it's not broken. The actress assures that Depp told her over and over again: "Fuck, I'm going to kill you." She says that her vagina bled, but that she convinced herself that the bottle wasn't broken and that it would have been much worse if it had been. The lawyer wanted it to be clear and asked if Depp had penetrated her with the bottle. Heard responded between sobs: "Johnny had the bottle inside me and he put it in me over and over again."

Johnny Depp, present at the trial a few meters in front of his ex-wife, took off the sunglasses that he had worn most of the day. His face was a poem. He has repeatedly denied any type of aggression. On Thursday, he was crestfallen throughout the statement, sometimes exchanging a few words with his lawyer.

At trial, two bottles were shown on a bedside table that Heard herself had photographed in the hotel. She said that she was not aware of having that photo until she saw it a few weeks ago: "My stomach sank," she said, although she did not identify that one of those was the bottle with which Depp raped her because, she said, she has no memory mind of it.

Jealousy attacks

In the first part of the statement, in the morning, in the Fairfax court where the trial takes place, Heard accused her ex-husband, 58, of behaving violently out of jealousy, among others of actor James Franco. The actress shot in 2015 with him the movie Retales de una vida (The Adderall Diaries). As he testified in court, Depp hated Franco and was furious when he found out that his wife and the actor kissed for a scene in the film.

Aboard a private plane, Depp called Heard a "slut" and asked her in sexually explicit language what Franco had "done" to his body. According to Heard, Depp smelled like weed and alcohol. Depp was throwing things at her, she was changing seats trying to avoid him until at one point, he went behind her and kicked her in the back before the indifference of the escorts and the crew, always according to the story of the actress. "I was embarrassed that he could kick me to the ground in front of everyone," Heard said.

Depp has repeatedly denied in this same trial having ever hit his ex-wife or any other. However, the actress tearfully described scenes of physical, psychological and sexual violence on Wednesday.

Heard says that on another occasion, Depp accused her of flirting with someone at the Met gala in New York. After the party, back in the hotel room, the actress says that he grabbed her, pushed her and they both struggled. “She is stronger than me. At some point, he hit me in the face (…) and I thought he had broken my nose,” she said.

Heard's lawyers have shown as evidence photographs and recordings that the actress herself made of her ex-husband, in some of them lying on the ground or screaming.

Amber Heard sobbingly accuses Johnny Depp of raping her with a bottle

Depp and Heard divorced in 2016 after 15 months of marriage (and three years of dating). She requested a restraining order and accused the actor of ill-treatment, something Depp has since denied.

The current trial is not a criminal case but a civil one. It is a consequence of the lawsuit filed by Depp claiming Heard 50 million dollars (about 47 million euros) for damages. The actor alleges that an article she published in The Washington Post in 2018 caused Depp irreparable damage to his career as an actor and the million-dollar cancellation of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga, his greatest success. In the article, without mentioning Depp, Heard defined herself as "a public figure who represents domestic abuse" and said that she had seen for herself that "institutions protect men accused of abuse."

The actress said Wednesday, at the beginning of her statement, that it was being "horrible" for her to "relive everything" in the trial. “This is the most painful and difficult thing I have ever been through,” she said. Heard has answered the lawsuit claiming in turn 100 million dollars from her ex-husband.

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