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Controversy in the US over Natalie Portman's s-x scenes in 'Black Swan'

The film is a favorite for the Spirit Awards for independent film and the Golden Globes -considered the prelude to the Oscars- and the Critics' Choice Awards

Barcelona. (Drafting).- The film 'Black Swan' ('Black Swan'), which will hit Spanish theaters on February 18, is gradually becoming one of the most talked about and controversial premieres in recent months. Released in the US in early December, it has garnered enormous interest, and there is already talk of award possibilities, both for its star, Natalie Portman, and its director, Darren Aronofsky. For the rest, the critics have been magnanimous with the film.

The film with a more s-xually explicit Portman than ever explains the aspirations of a dancer who tries to fall in love in the role of the evil, the Black Swan of the title. It goes through m@sturb@tion and a scene of l-sbianism, too explicit and therefore unpleasant, which ends in blood and the death of one of the characters.

The actress explained in Cannes that "[Daniel Aronofsky] told me it would be like having s-x with myself, and it seemed like a challenge." The psychological 'thriller' in which she gets into the role of a ballet dancer has also served to meet her future husband, the choreographer Benjamin Millpeid, with whom she is expecting a child.

Controversy in the US over Natalie Portman's s-x scenes in 'Black Swan'

The film is a favorite for the Spirit Awards for independent film and the Golden Globes - considered the prelude to the Oscars - and the Critics' Choice Awards. Portman also sounds like a favorite to win a Hollywood statuette for her masterful performance.

The actress, as praised by the American press, spent a lot of time practicing and understanding the basics of classical dance. Mary Helen Bowers, a former member of the New York City Ballet, trained Portman. This is the same Millepied company, responsible for the choreographic segments of the work, changed or interpolated to the wonderful work of Petipa-Ivanov, which are accompanied by the immortal music of Tchaikowsky. The divine music is heard not only in the dance scenes, but as background music throughout the entire film.

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