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Sophie Turner defends the s-xual scenes of Game of Thrones

The seventh season of Game of Thrones premieres this July 17 on Movistar.

Without beating around the bush, the s-xual scenes of the series are the ones that fans like the most, since they show any part of the body or s-x scenes, naturally, without any hesitation. This seems to have influenced Sophie Turner, an actress who has been in the series since she was very young, and who has been educated by watching these scenes.

In a recent interview with The Times, the actress has acknowledged that growing up playing Sansa in the famous HBO fiction has served her as s-x education classes:

«The first time in my life that I heard about oral s-x was when I read the script. I thought 'Wow! Do people do that? It is fascinating!'. I think that has been my s-xual education, being in Game of Thrones.

She has also defended that controversial scene from season five, when Ramsay rapes Sansa on her wedding night. At first, she felt that they had not done the right thing:

"We shot the scene and then there was this big fuss that we shouldn't have put something like that on television. My first response was 'maybe we shouldn't have aired that'.

After the initial surprise, Turner realized that perhaps this moment could have a positive impact on the public:

Sophie Turner defends the s-xual scenes of Game of Thrones

“The more we talk about s-xual harassment, the better. Fuck the people who say we shouldn't put that on TV, fuck the people who say they're going to boycott the show for this."

These kinds of situations used to happen and continue to happen today. If we treat it as if it were a taboo subject, then… how are people going to have the strength to feel comfortable saying that this has happened to them?”

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