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The real reasons that destroyed Lindsay Lohan's career

She was the undisputed star of Disney before jumping into the movies. Leading role when she was just a girl in numerous series of the brand of the mouse, Lindsay Lohan's career was meteoric.

But that vertiginous ascent was very difficult for her to control and she ended up falling into the consumption and abuse of drugs and narcotics to the point that in 2007 she entered a detoxification clinic.

It was a disastrous year for her. She was also arrested in Beverly Hills after being in an accident with her car for driving under the influence of alcohol in addition to possessing cocaine.

The real reasons that destroyed Lindsay Lohan's career

 And to top it off, that same year she was arrested again for the same crimes just described. For all this she was tried and sentenced to one day in jail, community service and she was released on parole.

Since then she has been chaining calmer periods with others as shady as the previous one that have had a very negative impact on her career.

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