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What would really happen if Melania and Donald Trump divorced?

Since Donald Trump came to power, there has been a buzz of speculation surrounding his marriage to Melania Trump. During his inauguration, a viral video showed Melania smiling, while Donald looked at her, then scowling when the latter looked away. And she seemed to refuse to hold his hand in public on many occasions. Publicly, the two seem to lead mostly separate lives.

Body language doesn't necessarily indicate trouble, but as the president faces an exit from the White House, there has been wild speculation that a divorce could be looming ahead. 'horizon. After all, it's no secret that the couple aren't sharing the same bed. Former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman wrote in her new book, 'Unhinged: An Insider's Account of the Trump White House', that "Melania counts every minute until he is stripped of office and that she can divorce.

So what would happen if Melania divorced her husband? She is unlikely to be able to tell her side of the story. Trump's second wife, Marla Maples, signed a contract with an incredibly strict nondisclosure agreement, prohibiting the publication of "any diary, memoir, letter, story, photograph, interview, article, essay, account, or description or representation of any kind whatsoever, whether fictitious or not, concerning (or appearing to concern) the particulars of the parties' marriage”. It is likely that Melania's prenup included a similar clause. That means anyone waiting for a post-divorce memoir or talk show will likely be disappointed.

Melania Trump wisely renegotiated her deal

No matter how happy Melania Trump is in her marriage, despite the many scandals she has endured, she has been supportive of her husband. So why divorce now? For one, she has a renegotiated contract. According to reports by Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan, the reason Melania initially delayed joining her husband in the White House was not just to wait for Barron to finish school, as the First Lady said. first explained. Additionally, Melania hoped the delay would swing the power in her direction during renegotiations. Originally, her marriage had not been very generous, but by then she had been married to Donald for much longer than his previous wives. Moreover, according to Jordan, Trump's inner circle desperately wanted her back, so she could act as a calming goal.

So why did Melania renegotiate the contract in the first place? Divorce Attorney Christina Previte, Esq. told Nicki Swift that she believed Trump's presidential victory was what prompted Melania to act. “I suspect no one ever thought Donald was going to win,” Previte said. "And then when he won, Melania and everyone else realized the dramatic changes they would have to make to their daily lives, including moving to Washington. »

Much of Melania's pre-nuptial renegotiations revolved around her son, ensuring that Barron had an equal share in the family fortune. "She wanted proof in writing that when it came to financial opportunity and inheritance, Barron would be treated more as an equal to Trump's three oldest children," Mary Jordan reported. Melania is renowned for being protective of her son, having aggressively pursued anyone who publicly criticized him.

Where will Melania go after the end of the presidency?

As for what Melania Trump will get what she desires financially if she divorces Trump, the exact numbers are unclear. The Mirror reports that she will likely be able to keep all of the highly prized jewelry and will receive a small fee to be Barron's primary caretaker. However, that's unlikely to be enough to allow him to match his current lavish lifestyle.

But where would Melania go after a divorce? Although she showed initial reluctance to move to Washington, now that Barron is enrolled in high school, she could wait out her senior years, as Barack and Michelle Obama did with their daughters, USA Today notes. The Washington Post notes that Melania and Barron Trump have Slovenian citizenship. The return to New York is also on the table. Christina Previte told Nicki Swift that Melania previously purchased a one-bedroom apartment in Trump Tower.

What would really happen if Melania and Donald Trump divorced?

Based on where she registered to vote, first lady historian and Ohio University history professor Katherine Jellison assumes Melania will end up near Mar-A-Lago . “I guess Mrs. Trump will return to Florida – or maybe she can convince her husband to return to New York as her official residence – and continue the kind of life she led in front of the White House,” a- she told USA Today. . Of course, without her husband, Florida might become much less attractive to Melania.

Whatever path Melania chooses after leaving the White House, fans and critics alike will be eager to hear about her decision.

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