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Why are Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone the best movie couple?

 Why are Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone the best movie couple?

Why are Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone the best movie couple?

Hollywood has chosen them, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have long been the couple with the most chemistry in the industry... We'll explain why.

And now Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. We have just done a fleeting review of some of the film couples with the most chemistry in history. Actors who were soul mates when a camera focused on them, a characteristic that a couple of audacious directors knew how to repeat at least once, the same formula. With Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine we fell madly in love with the losers and the kind characters, life, in comedy form, could be wonderful, it didn't matter if he was a gray office worker and she was the most beautiful elevator operator in all of New York in The Apartment, or that he was an unhappy gendarme and she the sweetest prostitute that has ever existed in the cinema, called Irma the sweet.

With Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy we discover how the war of the sexes could lead to uncontrolled passion and also tremendous admiration for the opposite sex. They fought and hated each other and also loved and respected each other, in the end they managed to convince you that opposites not only attract each other, but that they are made for each other. Movies like Adam's Rib serve much better as couples therapy than any psychologist.

And with Woody Allen and Diane Keaton we grew up while having fun with the frustrations of a completely surreal relationship between a beautiful, talented and stylish woman and a short, neurotic and terribly smart guy. Both funny and so funny that both in Annie Hall and in Manhattan Murder Mystery (to say two titles) we realized for the first time that no matter how terrible relationships are, we are bound to suffer them and yearn for them in equal parts.

And now we have Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone so that we can die of pure beauty, because you can't be more handsome and more beautiful, so that we dwarf ourselves with such immense charisma and so that we drool with so much chemistry that oozes in each title they share. . It is time, therefore, to reveal what the secret of these two is:


Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone have collaborated three times on three films that belong to three completely different genres and yet the chemistry between them, despite playing opposite characters, has not diminished at all. First it was in Crazy, Stupid, Love, a romantic comedy where Emma showed her most charming side, her scratchy voice at the service of a character full of doubts who was capable of snatching the heart of the eternal inveterate flirt and mysterious guy with Ryan's face. Gosling in one of his first comedic roles. Then came Gangster Squad, which is film noir full of stereotypes, where he is the typical Humphrey Bogart-style hard-nosed sergeant and she is a kind-hearted femme fatale who just needs to take off her gloves like Rita Hayworth in Gilda.

They came back with La La Land, a musical about dreams in the city of dreams. A film destined to make its audience fall in love and in the process win a few awards. And the two of them, Ryan and Emma, ​​dance great because in the end that chemistry feeds off each other and there's nothing they can't do together. It's that simple.


In the cinema, as in life, one cannot improvise as a couple if there is not enough confidence to carry it out. And that is precisely what was generated from the first moment, from the moment Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone shared the casting of Crazy, Stupid, Love, there was chemistry, there was improvisation and no more was said... They were the ones chosen for the comedy starring Steve Carrell.


In the same way that with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy it happened on both sides, with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone it is only in front of the camera. Anyone would bet because these two kill each other with kisses once they pay the lights on the set, but no, therein lies their talent. Then the two lead a life away from each other, with their respective partners, Dave McCary is Emma's boy and Eva Mendes Ryan's girl.

Precisely that friendship that unites them is what helps them work on the chemistry they give off. An irreducible trust arises from a friendship that, if it were contaminated by blissful love, would end up disappearing. And so they keep the desire of their characters fresh.

She has said of him: "It's wonderful to work with someone you know, trust and respect so much... He's my colleague."

Which brings us to the next relevant point…


Both are great actors, charismatic, photogenic and talented. And both smart enough not to be devoured by their own egos. The two of them admire each other a lot and that's why they work so well on screen… Like Allen admired Keaton and Keaton admired Allen.

He has said of her, "She's so good, so special. She's the best because there's nothing you do that she can't turn into something else, even if what you come up with are bad ideas. Somehow she turns bad ideas into something else." in good”.


Because it really wouldn't be the same if they didn't have fun doing what they do. And both Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are very clowns. So they don't stop sharing jokes on the set, they laugh, they enjoy themselves and that, of course, shows when they shoot.


Gosling saved one from a hit-and-run. He was in the car with Eva Mendes and saw a dog alone in the middle of the road, so he stopped his vehicle and hurried after the animal. He saved him from certain death and handed him over to his owner who was running mad down the sidewalk. Ryan exchanged a few words with him and returned to the car as if nothing had happened.

For her part, Emma Stone, who deeply loves her Golden named Ren, is associated with Revlon, one of the few cosmetic companies that does not test on animals. This has earned him recognition from PETA.

And last but not least…

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