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The reason Trump loves McDonald's food: He's afraid of being poisoned

In those days a new detail has been known about the obsession of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, with McDonald's.

Trump's love of fast food is tied to his fear of being poisoned, reveals an excerpt from the book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, written by Michael Wolff and published in New York Magazine on January 3.

In those days a new detail has been known about the obsession of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, with McDonald's.

Trump's love of fast food is tied to his fear of being poisoned, reveals an excerpt from the book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, written by Michael Wolff and published in New York Magazine on January 3.

The reason Trump loves McDonald's food: He's afraid of being poisoned

"Like any professional athlete who has a routine that he constantly repeats when he prepares for a competition," Trump "does the same things over and over again," Lewandowski told Business Insider US reporter Allan Smith.

Additionally, Trump has applauded fast-food chains for cleaning him up. "One bad hamburger and you can destroy McDonald's. One bad hamburger and you put Wendy's [a hamburger chain] and all these out of business," Trump said at a rally in South Carolina in 2016. "I like cleanliness, and I think It's better to go somewhere like that than somewhere else where you have no idea where the food comes from."

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