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Actress Eva Green Claims Harvey Weinstein S-xually Assaulted Her, Ending When She Had To “Push Him Off”

French actress Eva Green has joined the long list of women who have gone public about being s-xually harassed by producer Harvey Weinstein.

Green, who appeared in the James Bond film Casino Royale and the Weinstein film Sin City, said she felt “shocked and disgusted” when Weinstein groped her. The encounter ended only when she had to “push him off.”  She posted today at length about the incident on her Twitter account.

Green went public after her mother, actress Marlene Jobert, claimed on a Europe Radio 1 program that Weinstein had threatened to destroy her daughter’s career after she spurned him.

Jobert said Weinstein was a “horrible man” and had promised her daughter career success in return for s-xual favors. Jobert also said Weinstein informed her he would ban other directors from casting her. The incidents happened in 2010 or 2011, she said.

Green was “intimidated, this guy had so much power, power over all cinema!” Jobert said, adding, “At the time, I was truly horrified, so scandalized that I wanted to do something. But my daughter said ‘Absolutely not! You do not know the evil he is capable of.’ “

Jobert said she now was speaking out to increase the pressure on Weinstein, “because it isn’t possible that this guy goes unpunished. This odious character must be prosecuted.”  

Actress Eva Green Claims Harvey Weinstein S-xually Assaulted Her, Ending When She Had To “Push Him Off”

Green said she was inspired to go public by other accounts of Weinstein’s assaults.

“I have not discussed this before because I wanted to maintain my privacy, but I understand it is important to do so as I hear about other women’s experiences,” said Green. “Women are often condemned when they speak out and their personal reputations tarnished by association. I salute the great bravery of the women who have come forward. We should recognize that this sort of behavior exists everywhere and is not unique to the entertainment industry. The exploitation of power is ubiquitous. This behavior is unacceptable and needs to be eliminated.”

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