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Donald Trump, an enthusiast involved in the world of golf

The 45th President of the United States has invested part of his fortune in golf and can count on many prestigious supporters from the world of the little white ball.

Donald Trump is not the first American head of state to display his passion for golf, the number one individual sport across the Atlantic. After basketball, Barack Obama has always made the little white ball one of his favorite disciplines. Other enthusiasts: Bill Clinton or Georges W. Bush who created a tournament for veterans. In the 1960s, John F. Kennedy played in secret, because it was not well seen at the time for a Democratic candidate for the supreme office to hit the little white ball. In the 1950s, Dwight Eisenhower even had a putting green installed in the gardens of the White House. Trump would be classified handicap 4, a hell of a good classification, even if we can doubt it with regard to his not very academic swing…

Trump is not content to be a regular and diligent practitioner. The businessman has invested, for more than fifteen years, in prestigious golf courses. The new President of the United States thus has eighteen courses within the Trump Golf group. For the past fifteen years, the real estate magnate has notably offered Le Doral in Florida. His first investments abroad date back to 2011, in Scotland, his mother's native country, with the creation of a superb links on the north coast, in Aberdeen. Recently, he invested two hundred million euros for the renovation of the legendary Turnberry golf course in Scotland, renamed the Trump Turnberry in June. By the end of the year, he will inaugurate his first course in Dubai. And, in 2018, his second golf course in the Emirates will be signed by a certain Tiger Woods.

Trump loves the world of golf which makes him feel good. According to a poll conducted last May by Sports Illustrated of more than 150 American players on the professional circuit, only 23% planned to vote for Clinton. They were 34% of respondents to support Trump during the Republican primaries. The man with 18 Majors, Jack Nicklaus said in May that Donald Trump would "wake up America". A reinforcement of weight. But even in the world of golf, the new president is not unanimous. Several voices were raised for the women's US Open, one of the five Majors, not to take place on one of Trump's courses, as is usually the case, because of his sexist remarks about women.

Donald Trump, an enthusiast involved in the world of golf

One certainty: Trump continues the tradition of president-golfers. The PGA Tour website tells us that non-golfers had a series of 9 consecutive defeats since Jimmy Carter's victory in 1976. Hillary Clinton, a very, very occasional player, thus joined this club of defeated candidates who did not practice with fervor this discipline...

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