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Kim Kardashian's s-x tape: "The leak was planned by Kim, Kris Jenner and me"

Apparently it was not an imprudence but something planned

The Kardashian family has been in the news and on the cover of many magazines for more than fifteen years. But it was a video, from 15 years ago, that brought Kim Kardashian to fame and popularity. A s-x tape, no less, that went public between her and her partner at the time, artist Ray-J.

What seemed to have been an accident, an involuntary act or a mere oversight now recedes into the background since, as one of the protagonists of the video has discovered, the publication of the images has been nothing more than a montage between Kim, Ray and Kris Jenner. Something that Ray J himself has made public, in an interview with the British tabloid DailyMail.

Aching for the lie

It is now that Ray has felt remorse and sorrow and he has decided, we imagine that after paying a rich emolument, tell the truth about him. "I have felt in the shade for more than 14 years allowing the Kardashian to use and abuse my name and make billions of dollars for a decade and a half talking about a subject that I have never spoken about", have been the The rapper's first words to the British newspaper. "I have never leaked anything. I have never leaked a video in my life. It has never been a leak. It has always been an agreement between Kris Jenner, Kim and I and we have been partners from the beginning," he said, commenting on the play of the controversial video.

The video was recorded in 2002, and at first it was a s-xual video without further ado, but once it was made, it was Ray J himself who proposed to filter the video after seeing how popular and viral the video had become. video of Paris Hilton with poker player Rick Saloman and that gave so much popularity to the heiress of the hotel empire.

It was at that moment that the machinery was put to work and through Kris Jenner, the images were leaked to the producer Vivid Entertainment, something with which he lost absolute control of the file.

For this to be done, he signed a contract in which there was talk of a `leak? and in which it was also agreed to make public two other videos that were previously recorded, but that have never seen the light since they are images that Kim Kardashian herself has "stored in a Nike box under her bed ". "I never had any of those tapes in my possession during our entire relationship," says Ray J. "I'm sure Kim will have bigger beds and better boxes now."

The rapper affirms in the interview that everything was premeditated and very studied by the Kardashian-Jenner family with a single objective: to achieve fame, money and popularity. Something that for him has become an ordeal. "I became suicidal because you know the truth and you see a family build an empire on something that is a lie of their own making. As a black man living and working in America, it's hard to get up every day and look at your family and you know they think something about you that you know is completely untrue. How do you live like that?"

Reputational problem

All this mess has also caused the musician a reputation and work problem: "I could not be part of any television program with a certain reputation such as 'Dancing with the stars' or 'Got Talent' because of my image. what they did, I'm not allowed to be in places like that," he denounces. "I've been wary for 14 years thinking I'd get in trouble if I told the truth and I've lived with that as I watched them humiliate me and celebrate my destruction." "At what point did Ray J become the person who leaked the s-x tape and made them live a miserable life?" Something that has been denounced now that the new episodes of the program 'The Kardashians' have been broadcast where the aforementioned s-xual videos have been brought to light again.

In the interview, the rapper also throws questions at Kim, his ex. "Why are you playing again, Kim? I've been just another player in all of this. We had a deal and now you're trying to smear my name on your reality show and that's not right. You're screwing me professionally and personally." .When we met with [name withheld] and your mom, we planned this whole thing together and now you're taking this to another level and making me look like the crazy guy that I'm not. I'm going to tell the sh*t we really did, you leave me no choice. Kanye he told me that he wanted the unpublished images and what i gave him was videos, photos and messages between us because i wanted to make things right and make you feel better.now i find out that there is promotion of the program about this…please help me to have a best image, I want my children to be proud of me. They are 3 and 2 years old. They are very innocent. Don't make them see me as a loser."

Kim Kardashian's s-x tape: "The leak was planned by Kim, Kris Jenner and me"

Faced with such words, Kim Kardashian's response has not been long in coming. "Have you really seen the episode? Because I don't say anything bad about you. It was recorded the day your manager threatened to post a new s-x tape that doesn't even exist. It was my 5 year old son who stumbled upon the news on Roblox .(...) I suppose you understand how I felt. We are both parents and I suppose you will also want to turn the page on all this as much as I do. But it was your manager who brought this to light again and I have every right in the world to share how it affected me. The next chapter shows how Kanye gets the computer because of you and leaves you in a very good place. Thanks for doing it." Some statements that she has not made in the DailyMail, where neither she nor Kris have wanted to grant an interview in the aforementioned newspaper.

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