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Jennifer Love Hewitt remembers when she was s-xualized as a teenager

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Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt acknowledges that her body was viewed "inappropriately and disgustingly" when she was young.

Jennifer Love Hewitt has just revealed that she hangs out with "Framing Britney Spears" a lot, as both she and the pop star were the focus of intense media scrutiny of her bodies when they were just teenagers.

The actress, now 42, was reflecting on her work on the criminally underrated "Heartbreakers" with Vulture when the reporter asked her how she felt about the "lewd looks in the media" when the film was released.

"It's interesting, I just saw the Britney Spears documentary, and there's that whole section in there talking about her breasts," she explained.

"At the time when she was reviewing it, and interviewers were asking what would now be incredibly inappropriate, gross stuff, no, I don't feel that way," she said.

She further added, "I mean, I was barely clothed the entire movie. For some reason, in my brain, I was able to just say, 'Okay, well, I guess they wouldn't ask me if it was inappropriate.'"

But those questions are not right, and now you can see it clearly. "As a 42-year-old woman with a daughter, I definitely look back and say, 'Ew,'" she continued.

"And it really started with 'I know what you did last summer,' because that was the first time I ever wore a low top, and in 'Party of Five,' my body was very covered," she explained.

"At a press conference for 'I Still Know What They Did Last Summer,' I remember purposely putting on a t-shirt that said 'Silicone Free' because I was so upset, and I knew something about my breasts was going to be the first question asked. reporters," he recalled.

Jennifer Love Hewitt identifies with Britney Spears

Hewitt had just turned 18 when she began filming the 1997 horror film, which was one of her biggest roles after "Party of Five."

"I was really tired of that conversation. With 'Heartbreakers,' that was a big part of it," she said.

"I was disappointed that it was about bodily things, because I had really worked hard on that movie to do a good job as an actress," she continued.

"So I remember a specific moment where I wished that the acting had overshadowed all of that, that for five minutes they had said that I was really great in the movie instead of making a body comment," said actress Jennifer Love Hewitt.

"Now that I'm older, I'm like, 'God, I wish I'd known how inappropriate that was so I could defend myself in some way or just not answer those questions,'" she added. "I laughed a lot at the time, and I wish I hadn't."

She got so bad in the past that Ella Hewitt said she had to mentally prepare for interviews where she knew "at least 20 of the 40 minutes" would be "about b--bs and body stuff."

Jennifer Love Hewitt remembers when she was s-xualized as a teenager

"When I saw the Britney Spears documentary, my heart ached a little bit, because I remember having that feeling in retrospect," she added.

"I'm really thankful that we're at a time where hopefully that narrative is going to change for young girls that are coming up now, and they won't have to have those conversations," she said.

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