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Marilyn Monroe and James Dean together in a movie?

The origin of this publication dates back to last August 19 when on our Facebook we published the photo you see below, where two icons of cinema such as James Dean and Marilyn Monroe can be seen, mainly due to their early deaths and notorious attractiveness to both genders.

However, it would not be until today that someone would ask us: And that photo, what movie is it from? Only then did this humble editor come to react that we never explained the origin of the photo, and well, since it's never too late, after the jump we told you the whole truth about this photo that continues to intrigue young audiences to this day.

Marilyn and James were a couple?

The urban myth [and this is where we get into show business for a day] makes us believe that both actors would have had some kind of very top affair and that it would have been the dream of many. However, nothing could be further from reality, since the old James passed away when the beautiful Marilyn was just forging herself as an actress project.

The above is detailed much more extensively on the All Experts site, the product of a candid soul who asked the same question, surely due to so many photographs that swarm the network, but the truth is that they were never a couple, they never even interacted or much less to shoot a movie together, at most they would have run into some "event" out there. We are sorry to disappoint you.

The photomontage that originates the entrance

The truth is that the photo in question, with James Dean looking at the horizon and Marilyn Monroe dangerously steep on the edge of a building, while both smoke a cigarette, is as false as a political promise during the campaign season and then we share the images originals:

James Dean's photo 2

And the end result is already known. As also now history. They would have been a more than beautiful couple without a doubt. Something like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie from Black and White.

UPDATE May 1, 2014

Maybe you don't believe it, but today when checking our mailbox I find a text sent by the author of the photomontage himself and along with requesting that we add the credit to the image, which we already did, it explains the following:

Marilyn Monroe and James Dean together in a movie?

My name is Anashé and I am the author of this image. This was first posted on June 1, 2011 for Marilyn Monroe's birthday. The job required 72 different layers to create the final image. There are two versions of this work that you can find directly on my website. Thanks for the quality of the debate, I really enjoyed reading your article.

So, we stand by the author and are glad to know that the Internet allows us to communicate with such amazing people across the globe.

What do you think of the couple?

I will share this!

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