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Mel Gibson still have fans despite his controversy

Many celebrities have been controversial at one point in their lives, and because of this, many people have turned away from following them. However, there are some celebrities who have fans that stand by them despite their controversial behavior. 

A great example is Mel Gibson, whose popularity has not decreased despite his scandalous words and actions. 

It’s hard to pinpoint the reason why some people still love these celebrities, but our guess is that it comes down to the sense of reality that they provide.  

Although they are famous (and wealthy), they share the same struggles that we do, and through that, we feel as if we truly know them. In a society where most people are guarded and aloof, it can be refreshing to know that a celebrity is just like us.

Mel Gibson still have fans despite his controversy

Fans are there for the good work he did in the past and not for his controversial statements. Movies like Braveheart, Lethal Weapon, The Patriot, Apocalypto, Hacksaw Ridge have made him a larger than life hero who was liked by all. He just made some wrong career choices, got a bit aggressive and thus, more controversial. There is no harm in admitting a mistake, he should just move on and start doing some good work again.

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