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The most human facet of Taylor Swift that shows us the darker side of fame

The singer has released a new acoustic version of her single 'The Man' where only her voice and guitar can be seen

Taylor Swift has just released her single 'The Man' acoustically in Paris. A performance in which she appears alone with her guitar. The artist only uses her voice and her hands to represent this song.

With the lyrics of this song, she wants to denounce machismo and the prototype defined by the music industry. Taylor Swift confessed that she had been wanting to show in a song for a long time how she had felt since she was 16 years old in this musical world led by men.


Machismo in the music industry

In recent years Taylor has tried to disassociate herself with the image that was had of her, with the stereotypes of her and began to build a wall to limit her public life and her private life. During the beginning of her career, when she achieved success, the artist had to suffer numerous hard moments. She has been the victim of comments about her body, her music and her relationships while her fellow profession has never been questioned.

Apart from not suffering these comments according to Taylor Swift, her colleagues have gotten away with these different harassments. For her, the applause of the public and her recognition was essential to feel that she was doing her job well. A clear example was the moment that she had to live during the awards ceremony. This coupled with a man who took advantage of his fame and his strength made Taylor resentful.

The episode with Kanye West

The young woman lived one of the most embarrassing moments that we have witnessed. During the delivery of MTV Video, Taylor won the award for best female video at just 19 years old. At the moment that the actress began to deliver her speech to thank the rapper and husband of Kim Kardashian, Kanye West got up from his seat and snatched the microphone saying: "Taylor, I'm really happy for you and I'm going to let you finish talk, but the Beyoncé video is one of the best videos ever. One of the best ever!"

Taylor Swift has narrated that it was one of the hardest moments of her career and that she made her rethink things. She came to think that the boos that were heard that day were directed at her and not at the rapper. It must also be added that he recorded a song against the artist. Two actions that were never punished by the world of music.

Eating disorders

The fame and the comments that she suffered from her on her social networks led her to suffer from an eating problem: “If you are thin, you do not have the ass they want. But if you have a nice ass, you don't have a flat stomach. It's all impossible". An illness that made her hit rock bottom and made her decide to retire from public life for a year: "I pushed myself into a spiral of hatred and shame. I felt alone, bitter, like a wounded animal ”, he confessed.

Although to this day she continues to work on her self-esteem, she accepts her body as it is, something that makes her much happier: "If I saw a photo where it seemed to me that I had a big belly or if someone said that I looked pregnant, I would punish myself by starving and stopping eating. At that time I was unaware and I defended myself if someone cared about me. Now I am happier with myself and I do not care if someone says that I have gained weight, because being a size 38 instead of a 32 makes that my life is better. This was not how my body should be," he confessed.

His mother's celebratory tumor

A few weeks ago, the actress also talked about how much she was suffering from her mother's new diagnosis: a new cancer. "While I was undergoing treatment, they found a brain tumor. And the symptoms of what a person goes through when they have a brain tumor are nothing like what we've been through with their cancer before. It's a really difficult time for us as a family." . These were the words with which Taylor Swift broke the news of the hard time her family is going through.

The new and rebellious Taylor Swift

The artist has put aside the belief of being a good and perfect girl that she grew up with for years. She is now a 30-year-old woman who fights every day to be who she is and reveals herself every day to all those people who try to crush her for being different from others. Despite all this: "I want to keep the sharp pencil, the fine skin and the open heart", summarizes Taylor Swift, leaving aside the best side of her and taking out the warrior.

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