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Why did George Clooney turn down an incredible offer? $35 million for a day's work

The actor explained to The Guardian the reasons for his biggest job rejection

The Guardian interviewer lost his jaw: George Clooney was telling him about the time he turned down a fortune for a single day's work. How much? 35 million dollars. What a billionaire can gather in a lifetime. George could have it in 24 hours... And he didn't want to.

"They offered me $35 million for a day's work for an airline commercial, but I talked to my wife about it and we decided it wasn't worth it," the man explained. At that moment you will have noticed the interviewer's confused look. So he broadened his criteria a bit.

The issue came from his wife, Amal, who works in various human rights organizations. The airline works and has ties with countries related to terrorism. "Although it is an ally, at times it is questionable, so I thought: 'Well, if it takes a minute of sleep, it's not worth it, "reasoned the couple.


Clooney did not reveal what the airline was, nor what country is the one in question, even if it is an "ally". However it is easy to point to some Arab nation. George has convictions and he doesn't trade them for money. To stand out in times where some principles have been left aside.

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