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Advancement of the memories of Prince Henry of England: William knocked me to the ground with a punch

The memoirs of the Duke of Sussex will come to light next Tuesday the 10th, in a climate of conflict that Enrique wants to put an end to.

Prince Henry of England announced the publication of his memoirs a few months ago and it is imminent. Although we will have to wait until January 10 to read the content of 'Spare', a book that will be published in 16 languages and that, as explained by the Duke of Sussex, has written "not as the prince I was born, but as the man who I've become."

Advancement of the memories of Prince Henry of England: William knocked me to the ground with a punch

The premiere of the memoirs comes at a key moment for the British Royal family, Enrique tries to get closer to his brother and his father leaving aside, as he expresses, 'the institution'.

However, the British newspaper 'The Guardian' has published for the first time the details of an event from the autobiography in which he narrates a violent episode lived with his brother Guillermo, the worst unemployed according to the British press in memories. The most traumatic stories of the British crown will come to light, secret conversations, accusations and the aggression of the future king are some of the things that can be read.

A Dark Passage

Describing the violent episode, which took place at his London home in 2019, Prince Harry assures that William called Meghan Markle "difficult", "rude" and "unpleasant", which implies for the Duke of Sussex "to repeat what he says the press" about his wife. The 'fight', according to the British newspaper, would have heated up for minutes until it came to blows: "Guillermo grabbed me by the neck, broke my necklace and punched me to the ground. I fell backwards on the plate of dog food, which broke into pieces and stuck into my back. I stood there for a moment, stunned, then stood up and told him to come out."

The episode, as can be read in the text to which 'The Guardian' has had access, happened in Nottingham Cottage. Harry accused the future king of acting like a mere heir. Guillermo repeatedly told him that he just wanted to help him and talk about the whole "catastrophe" in their relationship. "Are you serious? Help me? I'm sorry" said Enrique.

The conversation at first was meant to be calm, even though the Prince of Wales was "very hot".

According to Henry, Guillermo complained about Meghan, an attitude that he did not like at all to the Duke of Sussex. "Willy, I can't talk to you when you're like this," Harry said to his brother, and immediately afterward, the scene happened so terrible that Harry recounts it in a lot of pain, "he called me by another name, then he came to me." Then the Duke of Sussex tells the reason why "William threw him to the ground". The prince of England regretted what happened and urged his brother not to tell Meghan anything. After the discussion, Harry went to a specialist and did not hesitate to hide the bruises on her back from the Duchess of Sussex. "She wasn't that surprised or that angry. She was terribly sad," she says.

The family future

The words that will appear in the book will be a 'breach' for the British Crown. However, the Duke of Sussex, Henry Charles Albert David, has sought a sentimental meeting with his father and his brother. Henry wants his family and put the crown aside. The son of the 'Princess of the people' has not left anyone indifferent, he makes this proposal just a month after publishing the documentary with his wife, Meghan Markle, in which they reveal some of the most worrying ins and outs of the Royal family british.

Harry considers that it is "the moment" to approach positions with his family, especially with his brother, Prince William, and with his father, King Carlos III. He conveyed this in an interview on television.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex documentary

After the publication of the documentary of the marriage, there are numerous attacks that Harry and Meghan have received from some media, which assure their intention to "steal the limelight" from Guillermo and Kate. 

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