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Drake Slams Madonna's Kiss as 'Inappropriate and Disgusting

Drake Slams Madonna's Kiss as 'Inappropriate and Disgusting

In 2016, Drake and Madonna shared a kiss on stage during one of his concerts. However, it appears that the kiss left a bad taste in Drake's mouth as he later spoke out about the incident, expressing his disgust and discomfort.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Drake opened up about the kiss, saying that it left him feeling "violated" and "disgusted." He explained that he had no idea that Madonna was going to kiss him and that he had not consented to it. He also stated that he felt that Madonna had taken advantage of him and that she had used him for her own gain.

Drake's comments sparked a lot of controversy and many people criticized him for his reaction to the kiss. Some argued that he was being overly sensitive and that he should have just laughed it off. Others pointed out that Madonna had not done anything wrong and that Drake was simply being disrespectful towards her.

Many people also pointed out that Drake's reaction was a reflection of the larger issue of consent in the entertainment industry. They argued that Drake's experience was a reminder that performers, especially young and inexperienced ones, need to be given the agency to make their own choices about what happens on stage.

Despite the backlash, Drake stood by his words and insisted that he had been violated and disrespected by Madonna's actions. He also stated that he had no desire to work with her in the future and that he felt that she had not shown him any respect.

In the end, Drake's disgust over Madonna's kiss was a reminder that consent is important in all aspects of life, including in the entertainment industry. It is important for performers to have the right to say no and to be respected for their choices. Additionally, it is important for those in positions of power to respect the boundaries of those around them, and not take advantage of them for personal gain.

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