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Prince Harry Extended an Olive Branch: Invited to King's Coronation

Prince Harry Extended an Olive Branch: Invited to King's Coronation

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle invited to join Royal Families in for King coronation

Prince Harry is harbouring feelings of abandonment from his family, says expert.

Relationship expert Valon Asani believes the monarch's coronation would be a golden opportunity for the Royal Family and Prince Harry to make up.

Mr Asani says: "It has been reported that Prince Harry and Meghan have been invited to King Charles III’s coronation in May, which is an olive branch from the family to the couple.

"The trauma that Prince Harry has recounted and shared with the world recently can manifest itself in many ways, and Prince Harry likely has feelings of abandonment from his family and is seeking some form of compassion and communication from them".

The relationship expert said: "The occasion of the coronation is cause for celebration as we celebrate the beginning of the King’s reign, and such a meaningful and happy occasion may be the perfect backdrop for reconciliation."

Neither the Palace, nor the Sussexes have made a statement over the alleged rumour.

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