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Prince Harry Recalls Meeting Diana's Lover Dodi Al Fayed

Prince Harry Recalls Meeting Diana's Lover Dodi Al Fayed

Prince Harry talks about his first impression of Princess Diana;s boyfriend

Prince Harry is touching upon his first interaction with Princess Diana's boyfriend, Dodi Al Fayed.

The Duke of Sussex, in his book 'Spare' reveals how he and his brother were greeted by the very charming Dodi as he floored their mother.

"Wherever Mummy was, I understood that she was with her new friend. That was the word everyone used. Not boyfriend, not lover. Friend. Nice enough bloke, I thought. Willy and I had just met him," he began as walked down the memory land.

Speaking of his interaction with his mother's beau, Harry recalls: "Hello there, you must be Harry. Raven hair, leathery tan, bone-white smile. How are you today? My name is blah blah. He chatted us up, chatted Mummy up. Specifically Mummy. Pointedly Mummy. His eyes plumping into red hearts.

"He was cheeky, no doubt. But, again, nice enough. He gave Mummy a present. Diamond bracelet. She seemed to like it. She wore it a lot. Then he faded from my consciousness.

Harry adds: "As long as Mummy’s happy, I told Willy, who said he felt the same."

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