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The Shocking Truth Behind Selena Gomez's Hotel Stays: Dirty Underwear and Trashed Rooms

The Shocking Truth Behind Selena Gomez's Hotel Stays: Dirty Underwear and Trashed Rooms

Is Selena Gomez a secret slob? The singer allegedly trashes hotel rooms and leaves dirty underwear all over the place. Has Selena’s always been a slob and no one has ever had the nerve to call Gomez out on it?

An assistant recently revealed to Star that SelGo is definitely a slob – and not “simply in an unorganized way.” No, it’s in a really gross way! Apparently, no one ever taught Selena how to pick up after herself. At least not while touring.

What did the source have to say about SelGo’s sloppy habits? The poor assistant revealed that Selena can trash a hotel room in less than 24 hours. How so? Makeup stains all over and bedding thrown into every nook and cranny of the pop princess’s suite are just a few of the things that comprise her disasters. On top of that, there are spilled drinks and fast food wrappers everywhere.

But the grossest revelation of all is that Selena Gomez leaves here yucky unmentionables on the floor and doesn’t think twice about who will be assigned to skivvies retrieval duty. “I never expected to see a celebrity’s dirty undergarments, let alone have to pick them up!” the assistant divulged.

Secrets of SelGo exposed! Parents don’t let your daughters find out their idol is, well, kind of a piggy when it comes to cleaning up. We don’t expect that SelGo will wash her own underwear – there are laundry services for that. But Gomez could at least put stuff in the laundry bag or hamper or wherever celebrities sort their clothing that needs laundering.

As for the makeup stains, what’s up with that? Doesn’t Selena have enough sense to remove makeup after a night on the town or concert? If SelGo has someone to pick up unlaundered lingerie and fast food wrappers, then it stands to reason there’s someone who can help the “Same Old Love” singer with makeup removal?

Did Justin Bieber break-up with Selena Gomez because of this disgusting behavior? It’s just a guess, and only a guess, but Justin Bieber probably just as slovenly as his former girlfriend.

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