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Meghan Markle 'Has Gotten Everything She Seemingly Wanted: 'Always Moaning'

Meghan Markle 'Has Gotten Everything She Seemingly Wanted: 'Always Moaning'

Critics have recently accused Meghan Markle of always complaining and getting what she wants. 

According to Maureen Callahan, a royal commentator and expert, Markle has become deeply hypocritical and ungracious, despite having everything she ever wanted. 

Callahan cited Markle's Vanity Fair cover story as an example, where she was anointed as Britain's next royal, with the Palace's implied endorsement. 

However, Markle responded to the glowing piece by screaming racism, claiming that the cover line referenced a song sung in blackface. 

This sparked a long-standing feud between America and Britain, with Markle being criticized for her behavior. 

Critics argue that Markle has gotten everything she wanted, including enormous fame, wealth, and privilege, but has spent much of her time carping and moaning, even as the world struggled through a pandemic.

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