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Melania Trump's 10-Year Smile: A Beauty (and Botox) Evolution of the First Lady

Melania Trump's 10-Year Smile: A Beauty (and Botox) Evolution of the First Lady

The spotlight is on Melania Trump, the new First Lady of America, who is known for her strong features and beauty. 

She has a modeling career in her past and an impressive wardrobe, but it is her beauty that is causing discussion. Melania's forehead without wrinkles, sculpted cheekbones, and "slit" gaze defy time. Her best photographic pose is a half-smile that only slightly reveals her lower teeth.

Melania Trump's 10-Year Smile: A Beauty (and Botox) Evolution of the First Lady

In a recent interview, Melania denies having done anything to her face and claims to be against Botox and injections. However, some experts speculate that her smooth forehead, full cheekbones, and the lack of nasolabial lines and creases at the corners of the mouth indicate the use of fillers or Botox. 

Despite this, Melania claims that her expression is highly studied and that she has adopted a precise pose in front of flashes, called "squint", to make her face more photogenic.

Many people criticize Melania for her use of fillers and Botox, but she insists that she wants to age gracefully and naturally, like her mother.

 Her beauty evolution over the years has been the subject of much discussion, but her beauty secrets remain a mystery. 

Melania Trump's 10-Year Smile: A Beauty (and Botox) Evolution of the First Lady

As she begins her role as First Lady, all eyes will be on her to see how she continues to evolve in terms of her beauty and style.

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