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Meghan Markel's Low Self-Esteem: Selfishness and Hatred towards People Revealed

Meghan's Low Self-Esteem: Selfishness and Hatred towards People Revealed

Meghan's Admission Reveals the Impact of Low Self-Esteem: Selfishness and Antipathy towards Others

Meghan's recent confession sheds light on the connection between her low self-esteem and her behavior of selfishness and disdain towards people. 

It seems that Meghan's self-absorption has reached alarming levels, bordering on an unhealthy obsession. One cannot help but notice her uncanny ability to seek out cameras at every opportunity. Moreover, she exudes an exaggerated sense of self-importance. 

Whether it's her exaggerated sashaying at royal events or her penchant for steering conversations towards herself, her self-perception appears inflated. Despite being an averagely attractive woman, thanks to a few cosmetic enhancements, her physical appearance lacks the interest and grace one would expect. Her smile, adorned with prominent veneers, only adds to the feeling of artificiality and creepiness.

Meghan's ability to downplay failures and amplify her role on the television show "Suits" exemplifies her tendency to inflate her own importance. She managed to convince herself that her part on the show was far more significant than it truly was. This inflated perception allowed her to claim she was sacrificing her entire life during the engagement interview and subsequent conversations, all while maintaining a straight face. In her mind, she has always considered herself somebody of great importance.

Insiders have commented on Meghan's journey, expressing mixed sentiments. While they appreciate her drive to pursue her dreams, there has always been something off-putting about her demeanor. From the beginning, it seemed as if she didn't belong in the public eye or the spotlight, yet she relentlessly pursued it, attempting to force her presence and make it happen.

Contrary to popular belief, even Dior recently made a public statement expressing concerns related to her "duchessness." Initially, when Meghan first emerged as Harry's new partner, many, including myself, didn't pay much attention. 

I watched the wedding and took everything at face value. However, upon witnessing footage of Meghan speaking, a sense of discomfort arose. It's that feeling of cognitive dissonance when one's subconscious instincts clash with conscious thoughts, causing a certain level of unease. While it's challenging to articulate, it's a reaction I've experienced with other celebrities and politicians, sometimes strongly and sometimes subtly. 

Now, understanding Meghan's true nature, I comprehend the cause of my reaction. I can even admit to engaging in "hate-watching" at times, finding amusement in specific clips such as the tear rolling down her left eye, followed by her promotional videos for various endorsements. It's ironic that the upcoming podcast, which was initially expected to address women's issues, has now become a platform for showcasing her unfiltered self, as if it were all about us seeing the "real" Meghan.

What becomes evident is that Meghan's apparent self-love, due to her deep-seated self-hatred, manifests as hostility towards others. She directs her contempt towards anyone she perceives as an enemy or competition, effectively discarding them from her life. It seems that, in her eyes, most of us are unworthy of consideration.

It is important to note that no one who is truly happy and confident in themselves would exhibit the same behaviors or treat others in the manner Meghan does. Perhaps, if she were wiser, she would reconsider her current path and avoid finding herself in the mess she presently faces.

In reality, Meghan is an average-looking woman, far from the intellectual prowess she projects herself to be. Her primary objective was to outwit a less-than-bright Prince, which she accomplished. A thought-provoking observation by Shaolin highlighted Meghan's lack of genuine intelligence. 

If she possessed true cunning, she would have succeeded in deceiving numerous people instead of relying on an army of bots. Her agenda to become a popular power couple with Harry could have materialized if she had possessed the wit and foresight to actively work towards her goals. 

Unfortunately, she expected success to be handed to her on a silver platter. Narcissists, lacking self-love, continually seek validation from external sources since they despise themselves. Meghan falls into this pattern, relentlessly striving for affirmation that she is attractive, talented, and intelligent. 

Deep down, she knows she falls short in all these areas, lacking natural confidence and perpetually feigning it. Paradoxically, her self-loathing leads her to self-sabotage, even in the face of monumental opportunities. Consequently, she blames external forces for her failures, trapped in a vicious cycle.

Furthermore, Meghan has invested significant time and energy in erasing her own heritage, including disassociating from both sides of her family. She has systematically altered her genuine appearance, which was once cute and natural. Such actions are indicative of an individual who looks in the mirror and sees nothing but flaws. She fights against resembling her father, mother, sister, or brother, striving instead to resemble renowned screen darlings like Audrey Hepburn or Julia Roberts, aspiring to be in their league.

Consider the possibilities if Meghan redirected even half of the energy she expends on her appearance towards cultivating kindness and honing her acting skills. She could have achieved remarkable success. Yet, she is consumed by arrogance, self-importance, and an inflated sense of talent. While she portrays herself as a great beauty, the reality is that she is far from exceptional. 

As an actress, she is average to poor, with her most prominent role being a minor supporting character in a forgettable made-for-TV series. Her journey to that point involved manipulation, deceit, and leveraging her way into the industry. Everything about her seems artificial.

Meghan's unyielding determination to achieve her desires has no boundaries. As others have noted on various social media platforms, she appears to harbor deep-seated self-loathing issues. Her coping mechanism involves masking these insecurities within a world of fantasy—a world she has meticulously crafted and perpetuated since childhood.

 Surrounding herself exclusively with sycophants, she swiftly dismisses anyone who recognizes her manipulative tendencies. In her mind, you're either on her team or against her. Unfortunately, this behavior contributes to the toxic workplace bullying prevalent in many corporations today, but that's a topic for another discussion.

As time progresses, these personality types tend to fare poorly. With beauty fading, friendships dwindling, and family ties weakening, they become increasingly lonely and embittered. Their behavior does not improve with age; rather, they become more entrenched in their love for material possessions over genuine human connections. 

Often, they fall prey to being exploited by individuals who are drawn to the attention and wealth they can offer. As for their spouses, they serve the purpose of elevating the narcissist's self-image, supporting their agenda, and complying with their every whim. Typically, the spouse is passive, willing to endure public embarrassment to serve the master. It's quite the package deal.

Meghan's upbringing in Hollywood, under the influence of a lighting director father and the spoiling she received from those around her, likely resulted in overcompensation. Her mother, Doria, was far from ideal, and everyone surrounding her father, Thomas, probably indulged her every whim. It's highly probable that she quickly learned the art of playing the victim, understanding how to tug at heartstrings and manipulate situations to her advantage. Interestingly, we rarely witness other hard-working celebrities displaying such behavior.

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