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Red Alert in Montecito Exposes Prince Harry & Meghan's Inability to Generate Money!

Red Alert in Montecito Exposes Prince Harry & Meghan's Inability to Generate Money!

They have proven themselves to be lazy, spoiled, entitled, untrustworthy, work-shy, and disloyal. They are even willing to sell out their own families for a few coins. While Harry may think he runs the show, it is Meghan who calls all the shots, and unfortunately, it has backfired every single time on them.

Everything they have touched has been destroyed. They have completely failed to understand and appreciate the damage they have self-inflicted with their attacks on the British royal family, namely the Queen and Prince Philip in the last years of their lives. 

After pretty much raising Harry, the hurt and embarrassment they caused were unforgivable to the public. They will never be looked at the same way as when they first announced their engagement. Their cruelty, lies, and jealousy have completely soiled their own brand.

They have not reached rock bottom yet; they are still flailing around, blaming everyone else for their multiple woes. And when I say rock bottom, I mean they've run through it all. Only then will we see a reconciliation. Harry will have to return to the fold for an annual allowance and come to heel under the King.

Now that they have been frozen out by the British royal family and basically everyone else of note, it is in their best interest to get regular jobs, downsize from the LA palace, and learn to live as Mr. and Mrs. Mountbatten-Windsor. They will never amount to anything more in status now due to their own venomous actions against everyone they come in contact with.

Without the grand titles of Duke and Duchess, they are nobodies, just average and totally unremarkable people. Harry's days of carefree polo and Meghan's days of cameras and red carpets are all but over for them.

What I never understood is that it was clear from the Spotify split that Netflix and Spotify pitched them ideas, and they don't seem to take their advice. They have access to people like Tyler Perry, who is hardly a media slouch, with access to some of the best brains in the business and over a hundred million dollars in funding. Yet, they seem absolutely clueless, outside of moaning about having the small bedroom in the Queen's castle.

One commenter said, "I've been a fan of Tyler Perry's movies long before Meghan was around. He created funny, wholesome movies often with a Christian theme. I just cannot believe he fell for someone as patently destructive and nasty as Meghan. Did he have a personal grudge against the British Monarchy? If so, why? I'm also skeptical that someone as business-savvy as he is would invite her to use his jet, home, and other facilities without somehow benefiting. And what's his current connection with them today? Rumor has it that he attended Lily's christening but abruptly left right after he arrived. There are some sketchy stuff going on."

Harry and Meghan's only skill seems to be running their mouths, and they fail at that too. Can you imagine being in your 40s and having no real purpose in this world? They are empty shells with lips that It's frustrating to witness people spewing nonsense without any value, especially when they harm others for their own selfish benefit. These individuals are truly terrible, and it can't come soon enough for them to be gone and rid the world of their toxic negativity.

What they did to the royal family, particularly the Queen at her advanced age and poor health, was incredibly unbelievable. However, if they had focused their efforts on more meaningful endeavors, such as working on much-needed romantic comedies or starting a philanthropic initiative with little public fanfare, they could have successfully challenged the Royal Family.

Instead, they became obsessed with petty rivalries against the British royal family, specifically targeting Catherine and William. Rather than destroying them, they may have won a few battles, but in the end, they lost the war in a colossal way. It will be interesting to see where they are in 10 years.

There is one way for them to determine if their failures are solely caused by haters. They could create a product without attaching their names or issuing press releases, and if it still fails, then it's not the haters to blame. They could quietly make money, as their problem lies in their obsession with appearing successful to everyone else.

Regarding their Cottage, instead of using the money for multiple properties and generating rental income once their business is settled and successful, they could have chosen a different path. They might have chosen to speak up only after their business thrived. However, they couldn't resist the urge to make their success known to the world.

I highly doubt Harry will be welcomed back into the fold. You can't just blow up a relationship and expect to walk back into it when it's convenient for you. Addicts worldwide have learned that family members won't continue to be victimized, and spouses have reached the point where they refuse to be played for fools.

If Charles decides to bring Harry back into the fold, what happens when Charles dies? How would William refusing to support his brother be any different from Charles refusing to support his brother? How is it different from kicking Angela out of the home the Queen promised she could stay in?

There's no reason why a disgraced and ostracized Harry cannot live on £50,000 like many Britons. He doesn't deserve free housing, food, staff, and security after not only abandoning the monarchy but also the country itself. It has hit rock bottom, and what goes around comes around. It's always been a truism because it usually holds true.

One commenter mentioned wanting to see them both brought back to the fold in England, but confined to The Gardener's Cottage at the back of one of the woodsheds and kept on a short leash. Although I consider myself a nice and empathetic person, I would relish witnessing their humiliation as they struggle to make a living as anonymous contributors to some mediocre publication. Perhaps they could participate in reality shows like "I'm a Celeb" or "Big Brother" and get voted out in the first round.

Moreover, I think they should get one of their numerous wishes granted—to live as Mr. and Mrs. Spencer. Madame might believe it's a noble name, but here in England, it's as common as dirt. Not only that, the name Spencer is only second in recognition to a department store where most of us buy our undergarments. There's a significant difference between King Edward VII and Harry. 

Edward VII was King for only about a year and inherited immense personal wealth and a private property portfolio from his father, George V. Although properties like Buckingham Palace and Windsor are owned by the crown, Edward personally owned Sandringham and Balmoral and had considerable personal wealth. 

A financial settlement was agreed upon, and George VI bought Sandringham and Balmoral from Edward, paying for them with an annual allowance, which eventually placed a significant financial burden on the monarchy.

The monarchy's financial dynamics were different during Edward's reign. As King, Edward inherited substantial private wealth, which ensured he lived a luxurious lifestyle. However, it's important to note that the royal family didn't provide him with generous allowances out of pure generosity. Instead, they did so out of obligation to acquire Balmoral and Sandringham from him. 

In contrast, Harry personally owned relatively limited wealth, and there is no inherent reason for the royal family to feel obligated to provide him with an allowance.

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