In an unexpected twist of events, a late-night emergency call made to CBS Child Protective Services by renowned Chef Cat Cora has brought forth a series of unusual revelations regarding a character known as Archie. Moreover, this call has cast doubts on persistent rumors surrounding Meghan's status as a mother.
During a conversation with professional cyclist Lance Armstrong, Mars Iron Chef star Cat Cora shared an intriguing anecdote about Oprah once hiring her to prepare a meal for Prince Harry on his birthday. Cora recalled receiving a call from Oprah, who requested her culinary skills for Harry and Meghan's special occasion, albeit with only a two-day notice to organize the meal.
While Cora didn't disclose the specific dishes she prepared for Harry and Meghan, she did mention that during her time at the mansion, she did not encounter Lila Bend, but Archie was present. She also noted that Archie appeared different from the way he's portrayed in photos and on social media.
These revelations have led to questions about whether Archie has undergone significant changes or whether there's a possibility he might be a child other than Meghan and Harry's own. Some observers have been surprised by the behavior of the Sussexes in relation to this child.
Cora mentioned that Meghan seemed to ignore Archie, while Harry maintained some level of contact with the child. Cora herself had developed a friendly rapport with the couple, describing them as buddies.
Intriguingly, Cora asked about Lila Bend's favorite food, but Meghan claimed she was with Doria during Harry's birthday celebration. This raised questions about whether a beloved daughter would truly be absent from her father's birthday.
Earlier reports had already raised doubts about Lila Bend's birthday celebration at Frogmore Cottage, with no one coming forward to confirm attendance or any publicized celebration. Furthermore, no birthday wishes or stories about Archie's interactions with his grandparents have surfaced in the past two years.
The absence of concrete evidence, such as flight manifests or candid photos, has fueled skepticism about the existence of Meghan and Harry's children. The couple's very limited public appearances and the heavily edited Christmas cards have only added to the intrigue.
There have also been reports suggesting that staff members are not allowed to see the children at Montecito, except for the nanny. This level of isolation and secrecy surrounding the children's existence has raised concerns about their well-being.
In a normal scenario, you would expect some social media presence, casual mentions from neighbors, classmates, or parents, and independent reports of the children leading relatively normal lives. However, the absence of such evidence has left many questioning the authenticity of Meghan and Harry's parenthood and the well-being of their children.