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Kate Middleton and Prince William's royal responsibilities 'pale in comparison' to others

Kate Middleton and Prince William's royal responsibilities 'pale in comparison' to others

More overseas events have been proposed for Prince William and Kate Middleton to attend. Prince William and Princess Kate have come under fire for skipping Prince Christian of Denmark's 18th birthday party earlier this week.

Richard Eden discussed the importance of the British Royal Family building deeper links with their European counterparts in an article for Palace Confidential, saying that it would be in line with their "interest in demonstrating that monarchy can be a force for good."

A royal critic responded to the comments by accusing them of "acting as celebrities" rather than engaging in "public service" and "international diplomacy."

"[William and Kate] are not serious people and do not take their position seriously, other than acting as celebrities," they grumbled. "30-minute smile-for-the-camera meetings and pie charts do not suffice and pale in comparison to what others do."

The Prince and Princess of Wales typically send Prince Edward as their representative, even to the "big state occasions," like weddings and funerals, Eden continued in a later section of his column.

William and Kate's busy schedules were cited by the late Queen Elizabeth II's former press secretary Dickie Arbiter as the reason for their absence from the birthday celebration.

He told the Daily Mail that royal diaries are typically finished six to seven months in advance. "British royals are not fussy - busy, yes."

"There are only eleven working royals, all with particularly full diaries and even royals are allowed down time," he stated. 

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