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Meghan Markle Exposed: Fake Fans Admit Being Paid, Humiliating On-Air Revelation

Meghan Markle Exposed: Fake Fans Admit Being Paid, Humiliating On-Air Revelation

Stumbled upon this mind-boggling revelation on social media, where 'Megamorens' were shamelessly confessing their actions. It's astounding how these individuals, who supposedly support Meghan, lacked the basic intelligence to keep their questionable dealings discreet. But I guess when your allegiance is to the mastermind Meghan, critical thinking takes a backseat.  The evidence is right there on a public social media platform, with Meghan's 'morons' proudly announcing that they were paid to boost their idol. Can you believe the audacity? And their response to being caught red-handed is even more baffling. They claim, "It was just a joke; we were just trying to hype them up." No, it's not a joke; you were caught in the act of being Meghan's minions.

Joe Diver, a shining example of intelligence, declares, "Squad, your quarterly bonuses have been posted to your accounts. I hope you all enjoy the extra surprise. The Arch Priestess is very happy." Seriously, posting about being paid on a public platform? You can't make this stuff up.

Then, we have another genius supposedly on vacation, checking in on their pay when they get back into town, saying, "The Arch Priestess is well pleased with our efforts." Well pleased? Are you that dense? It's 'well-pleased,' you and misspelling, but I guess grammar and intelligence aren't prerequisites for being a 'Makmoren.'

Now, let's shift our focus to the actual 'Megamorens.' What's particularly enlightening is that they are given the exact words to say and post. These puppets obediently copy and paste scripted messages, with Abigail Spencer, Molina Handler, Sarah Samuels, Nancy Jobber, all posting the exact same tweet word for word. How pathetic is that?

You see, 'Makmorens' are not genuine supporters driven by admiration; they are paid mouthpieces, regurgitating pre-approved messages like mindless drones. It's a sad state of affairs when your so-called supporters can't even come up with their own words to express their alleged adoration. The tweet in question talks about Prince Harry's supposed victory against Mirror Group Newspapers in a phone hacking case. It's clear that these people are so blindly devoted to Meghan that they don't even realize how transparent and ludicrous their actions are.

To conclude, we now have undeniable proof that Meghan's 'morons' are being paid, and they are so unbelievably foolish that they proudly flaunted it in public. The question remains: can you truly support someone who resorts to such deceitful and underhanded tactics? It's a sad testament to the lengths Meghan and her followers will go to in order to manipulate public perception.

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