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Meghan Markle Potentially Hindering Reconciliation Between Prince Harry and Royals

Meghan Markle Potentially Hindering Reconciliation Between Prince Harry and Royals

It doesn't matter how much Prince Harry misses his family and wants to make peace; reconciliation is impossible as long as he stays with Meghan Markle. She's not going to allow it.   There's an old French proverb that goes, 'He who believes his wife too much will regret it in the end,' and well, I think for Harry, the end hasn't even come yet, but he's already regretting completely trusting Meghan Markle. Look, I'm not saying that Harry is innocent in all this, but at the same time, let's be real—Meghan Markle was the one who convinced him that he had been mistreated by his family his entire life, that he had had it so rough, that they had never appreciated him for who he was. She is the one who convinced him that their lives would be so much better if they left the royal family and sought fame and fortune in California.

And now, nearly four years after Megxit rocked the world, Harry is not doing well. That much is clear to see. He's lonely, he's depressed, he wants to go back home. But as long as he stays with Meghan, that will never be possible. What we got with Sparerib was a real glimpse into Harry's mental state, and it wasn't a pretty picture. By all accounts, Harry is an incredibly disturbed individual. He's really hung up on stuff that happened to him in the past, and he perceives himself to be a victim even in cases where he's not. And Meghan Markle made this a lot worse. 

I think these were tendencies that he always had—a tendency towards jealousy of his older brother, a tendency towards resenting the position that he was born into. But I really do believe that before Meghan entered his life, he made peace with his position in life. He saw the benefits of it. He was incredibly close with William and with Catherine; he loved them to bits.

Was he still a bit jealous of his older brother? Well, sure, but I think that if a good woman had come into his life, he could have built a meaningful family life for himself instead of what we're seeing today. When Harry still lived in Britain, he had close friends; he had a really strong support system.

As a narcissist, Meghan wanted complete control over Harry; she saw his friends and close family members as a threat. So when they got together, she immediately went to work alienating him from everybody who cared about him, and she was incredibly successful. We continue to see these reports that Harry's missing home, he wants to come back home for Christmas, he wants to make up with his family, but Meghan is the one stopping him.

Now, at the same time, we are seeing some reports that Meghan wants to make up with the Royals because that's what WME is telling her she needs to do. But see, I don't know, I kind of believe the reporters that this is Harry pushing for reconciliation instead of Meghan. Because even though WME is telling her she has got to reunite with them if she's going to get any work, she's not going to listen to them. Let's remember, this is part of who Meghan is; she doesn't take advice from anybody, even her agent.

Meghan's also incredibly arrogant; I believe she sees no need to make up with the Royals. She's still convinced of her own greatness, so she should be able to make it on her own. In an interview with GB News, the royal expert Kinsey Schofield made the claim that Harry is lonely living in Montecito, so far away from everything he's known. She said, 'I think that there are elements to Prince Harry—I do think he truly misses his family.' But she says that Meghan doesn't have any desire to return to the UK to patch things up, and I agree with her on this 100%.

I mean, just look at Harry whenever he is out with Meghan doing the celebrity stuff; he doesn't enjoy himself. This isn't the type of thing that Harry likes. Remember, Harry has said the time in his life when he was happiest was when he was living in rural Africa; he was helping people, he was helping elephants. Harry was doing meaningful work; he was building wells; he was doing a lot of manual labor, which I think is really good for him; it's something he needs. But in this world that Meghan has brought him to, no, there's nothing meaningful for him to do. All he does in Montecito, by all accounts, is just sit around and get high, and then occasionally Meghan will drag him out to some concert or other stupid event where he looks absolutely miserable, like he'd rather be anywhere else.

I think Christmas time is incredibly difficult for Harry. At Christmas, it's impossible for him not to miss everything that he gave up. As Kinsey Schofield says, 'I do think Harry is likely very lonely and misses the chaos that surrounds those fun Christmases with the royal family.' But for Meghan, I think it is mostly financial. Well, she's hit the nail on the head there; for Meghan, everything is financial. Meghan doesn't truly care about anyone, even Harry. So, any desire she expresses to make peace with the royal family all comes down to the fact that she's nothing without them.

It's becoming clear to even a narcissist like her that without her connection to the Royals, she's not going to get any deals. No company is interested in working with her. Meghan is desperate to try to rebuild some kind of connection to the royal family because that's all she's got. Without the Duchess title, without the connection to the Royals, Meghan is a nobody. She goes back to being a failed bit-part actress who's a bit over the hill now to land any kind of roles. I mean, what a fatal mistake Meghan made when she convinced Harry that they could make it on their own, that they could throw away the platform offered to them by the Royals and still be just as successful.

Of course, that was never going to be possible, and their timing could not have been worse. Nearly four years after Megxit, it is impossible not to see that Meghan and Harry have absolutely failed in Hollywood. They have been given opportunity after opportunity after opportunity, and they have squandered each and every one of them. So, they are now in an incredibly tricky situation because they're desperate to reconnect with the Royals in order to make their careers happen, but at the same time, Meghan refuses to because she hates them so much.

She truly is stuck between a rock and a hard place, as Kinsey Schofield says, "Markle would like to utilize the platform that they gave her to monetize this fame or infamy." But see, she can't do that. She can't utilize the platform anymore because they're not going to allow her to. She had her chance, and she blew it. She's the one who couldn't stand being a member of the royal family unless she could be the Top Dog. And when she figured out that was never going to happen, she convinced Harry that they needed to run away to seek fame and fortune in Los Angeles. And obviously, that was a horrible plan. It has backfired big time.

We also continue to see these absolutely delusional reports that, in fact, things are going really well for Harry and Meghan in Hollywood, like that ridiculous US Weekly article, for example, when they said that Meghan and Harry are actually in extremely high demand. They said that Harry and Meghan think 2024 will be the 'Year of Redemption.' What are they talking about, though? Nobody believes this. 'They've actually been shocked by how popular she is; her team has never seen anything like it.' I mean, again, if Meghan and Harry are so popular, if everybody's wanting a piece of them, why are we not hearing about any deals? The two of them are desperate; they are in no position to turn down any kind of deal. I do wish the media would also stop referring to this feud between the royal family and Harry and Meghan. There is no feud; this is entirely one-sided. This is a case of Harry and Meghan telling a bunch of spiteful lies about the royal family, and the royal family continues to gray rock them. The royal family is not going to respond because they know that to respond would only make the situation a lot worse because it would give Harry and Meghan some ammunition.

It is going to be interesting to see what 2024 holds for the grifters. What is going to happen? Is Harry going to continue to be under his wife's thumb, or is he going to develop a spine and make some decisions to get away from her? And what about the invisible children? I really cannot wait to see what is going to happen with their storyline once Meghan and Harry split up. Are we going to hear that they're staying in California with Meghan, or are we going to hear that Harry's trying to take them back to the UK? Is someone finally going to come clean about them? Do they really exist? Were they born from a surrogate? What is the deal with those two? We know that we don't have the full story, but we still don't know exactly what the story is.

So, on the topic of the invisible children, I want to share some of the comments that you guys left in the video I did about Harry and Meghan's little vacation. The title is 'Where is Archie Sussex? Head for tropical vacay but seemed to forget one of the kids.' In this video, I was talking about those insane photos that were published on that Costa Rican website. Supposedly, it showed Meghan and Harry. Since then, I have seen a video that's clearly narrated by Meghan herself of the vacation. The whole thing is ridiculous. So, all right, supposedly, in one of those shots, there is Archie, officially, in the golf car, sitting on Harry's lap. But if that's Archie, it doesn't make a bit of sense; he's four years old; he's about the same size as the child we're supposed to assume is invisible, being carried by Meghan. There are just too many discrepancies surrounding these kids.

So anyway, let's see what you all had to say. The first comment I want to address comes to us from Lexi Tex. Lexi says, 'I'm not so sure about that trip. If Archie cannot get into preschool because they don't have the right documents, then how were they able to get passports for the children?' Well, then Sharon replies, 'There are no children.' So let's talk about your question, Lexi. This is something I've wondered too. Now, there are also a lot of people who claim that maybe Archie has some kind of disability or some kind of abnormality. We've heard autism; we've heard maybe there's something physically wrong with him, and perhaps that's why they're so secretive about him, especially we have been seeing a lot of stuff about Lily Bux lately, which makes me think that in the future, she's going to be the golden child. And who knows what's going to happen to poor Archie. And this, of course, is assuming the kids even exist and that they live with them. I don't believe for a second they came from Meghan.

Some responses lean toward Lexi's point. One says, 'Libro, haha,' and then Patrick's got some bulls-eyes because yes, this comment is spot-on. And then George Ann says, 'Endgame, it's about time.' So let's talk about your comment. First of all, yes, if Invisible and Artificial are real children and really do live with Meghan and Harry, boy, do I feel sorry for them. And honestly, this is one reason I hope they're not real. Can you imagine the circumstances they are growing up in if they really do belong to Meghan and Harry? I mean, their father was in her 20s making, and Harry was a mess even before Meghan came along. Meghan has already said that Lilybucks has these big blue eyes. When we look at it this way, it also makes Meghan's claims of racism in the royal family more ridiculous. She is the one who is racist; she's the one who's so hung up on race; the Royals simply don't care.

Okay, I think we got time for one more very insightful comment from Kate London 54. Kate says, 'I feel like it's almost gotten to the point where it would be better for the couple to just come clean. But at this point, I think Meghan and Harry are so wrapped up in their delusions they don't even know what the truth is. They are only capable of seeing their truth, and their truth has no relation to reality. 

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