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Vanessa Feltz Unleashes Scathing Dig at Meghan Markle on ITV This Morning

Vanessa Feltz Unleashes Scathing Dig at Meghan Markle on ITV This Morning

Vanessa Feltz, a well-known television and radio presenter, recently responded to Meghan Markle's criticism of her comments regarding celiac disease. This incident unfolded on ITV's "This Morning," sparking outrage among viewers and individuals living with celiac disease. Vanessa Feltz faced allegations of ignorance and irresponsibility for appearing to downplay the seriousness of celiac disease, a condition in which the immune system reacts adversely to gluten consumption, leading to gut inflammation.

The controversy originated from Feltz's response to a caller named Allison, who expressed concern that her mother-in-law insisted on a gluten-free Christmas due to one guest having celiac disease. On the show, Feltz deemed the mother-in-law's request as unreasonable, suggesting that Allison could bring her own food or have a snack before and after the meal. She also drew a comparison between celiac disease and peanut allergies, implying that the former was less dangerous. This sparked a significant backlash from viewers and celiac disease charities, accusing her of spreading misinformation and potentially endangering the health of celiac sufferers.

Following the uproar, Vanessa Feltz issued an apology on Twitter, expressing regret for any disrespect caused to those with celiac disease and her surprise at the strong reaction. However, Meghan Markle did not find the apology satisfactory. She reportedly sent Feltz a critical and condescending letter, accusing her of insensitivity, unprofessionalism, and a lack of knowledge. Meghan, who presents herself as a mental health advocate and human rights champion, allegedly mocked Feltz's appearance and weight and suggested that she educate herself on health issues, including celiac disease.

Vanessa Feltz received this letter on December 21, 2023, and in response, she decided to share Megan's actions on "This Morning." She read parts of the letter to the viewers and strongly condemned Meghan for her behavior, describing it as hypocritical. Feltz criticized Meghan for lecturing her on celiac disease without firsthand experience and for passing judgment on her appearance, given Meghan's access to extensive resources for her own image enhancement. Feltz also questioned Meghan's professionalism and commitment to her royal duties.

Vanessa Feltz reaffirmed her apology to the celiac community and thanked them for their support and understanding. She expressed her determination not to be intimidated or silenced by Meghan Markle or anyone else. Feltz emphasized her commitment to speaking her mind and fulfilling her job, while also calling on Meghan to reflect on the consequences of her actions and words. Feltz pointed out the irony that Meghan, who had endured negative media attention for years, was now in a similar position, and urged her to consider the impact of her actions.

In summary, Vanessa Feltz responded to Meghan Markle's criticism of her remarks on celiac disease, leading to a public dispute characterized by apologies, a critical letter, and a public airing of grievances on "This Morning." This incident has raised questions about professionalism, sensitivity, and the use of public platforms for personal disputes.

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