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Meghan Markle Set to Make Waves in 2024 as She Strives for Success

Meghan Markle Set to Make Waves in 2024 as She Strives for Success

In the cosmic narrative of the year 2024, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is poised to seize the spotlight, akin to a tempestuous force, according to astrologer extraordinaire, Debbie Frank, renowned for her celestial insights into the lives of luminaries. Delving into the astral configurations of the Duchess, Debbie, a confidante once cherished by Diana, Princess of Wales, exclusively divulged to Interview! that the impending spring will witness Meghan once again becoming the focal point of attention

Mirroring Prince Harry's penchant for restlessness and self-redefinition in this transformative year, Debbie expounded on Meghan's astrological blueprint. With her Sun gracing Leo in the first house, indicative of a perpetual quest to carve an indelible identity, Meghan incessantly seeks the next pinnacle of renown, wealth, and broadening influence in her narrative

Ever dissatisfied, even after achieving a milestone, Meghan's quest for novel challenges in 2024 will act as a catalyst, propelling her drive and determination to greater heights, as per Debbie's celestial insights.

The crux of anticipation lies in the late March and April timeline, where Meghan, orchestrated by a celestial dance involving a pair of eclipses, is poised to re-enter the limelight, envisaging a spectacle that will metaphorically sweep the globe like a storm.

Expanding on her prophetic vision, Debbie, foreseeing Harry's potential relocation from Montecito in the spring, remarked, "Similar to Harry, Meghan yearns for a familial recalibration, possibly manifesting in a new domicile within unexplored realms. The pivotal month of July becomes a turning point, where Meghan, in her pursuit of aspirations, embraces risks and commits fervently to realizing her goals."

As the year unfolds, Meghan, now a doting mother of two, shifts her focus towards the concrete realization of her meticulously laid plans.

"The solar eclipse on October 2 heralds a paradigm shift, and with the dynamic force of Mars traversing her ascendant mid-October, Meghan ardently toils towards materializing her aspirations," asserted Debbie. However, a cosmic juncture awaits in December, where Mars retrogrades precisely on her Mercury, signifying circumstantial forces beyond her control, ushering in a temporary delay and slowdown that extends into the spring of 2025 before resurgence occurs.

Turning her celestial gaze to Harry's astrological chart, Debbie pinpointed April as the month of significant upheaval for the restless prince.

"In a quest for a rejuvenating start, April becomes his bombshell month, entailing potential relocation with his family, defying the expectations of the royal echelon. A shift to a new abode or an unconventional locale within or beyond the Windsor domain may materialize, culminating with the lunar eclipse on September 18th, in close proximity to Harry's birthday, completing this celestial narrative."

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