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Gary Goldsmith's Scathing Response: Exposing Meghan Markle's PR Tactics Amidst Kate's Illness

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Gary Goldsmith's Scathing Response: Exposing Meghan Markle's PR Tactics Amidst Kate's Illness

You've probably heard about the despicable comments Meghan made about poor Kate while she was battling cancer. Just when you thought Meghan couldn't stoop any lower, that narcissistic nut job tried to outdo herself in the worst possible way. But thank goodness for one member of the Middleton family who wasn't afraid to speak the truth. Kate's uncle, Gary Goldsmith, delivered a brutal blow to Meghan's fragile ego and hunger for fame with just five words that struck right at her core.

When asked about Meghan's nickname for his beloved niece, Gary unleashed a five-word killing shot straight at Meghan's delusional facade. He succinctly encapsulated everything vile, toxic, and downright despicable about Meghan in those few words. From jealousy to lies to taking advantage of Kate's tragic situation for public attention, Gary didn't hold back. And rightfully so. He called out Meghan for her sick lies about Kate being racist, pointing out the absurdity of such claims given the Middleton family's diverse background.

But Gary didn't stop there. He also took a dig at Harry for being a corporate sellout and criticized Meghan for her narcissistic nonsense. And let's not forget, this controversy erupted just as news of Kate's diagnosis broke, making the situation even more explosive and uncomfortable.

Kudos to Gary for standing by his words and refusing to backtrack or apologize for Meghan. He didn't give her the satisfaction of feeling important or relevant through her disastrous publicity stunt. Instead, he ensured that she would be completely humiliated and shamed on a global scale.

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