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Oprah Winfrey Throws Brutal Dig at Meghan Markle: Caught Abusing Prince Harry at Mansion in CA - Put Her in Jail!


Oprah Winfrey Throws Brutal Dig at Meghan Markle: Caught Abusing Prince Harry at Mansion in CA - Put Her in Jail!

Oprah Winfrey throwing some serious shade at Meghan Markle. As you likely know, Oprah conducted that bombshell interview with Meghan and Prince Harry last year, where they made a lot of accusations against the royal family. However, it seems like Oprah may be having some second thoughts after new evidence has emerged.

According to reports, Oprah recently paid an unannounced visit to Harry and Meghan's mansion in Montecito, California. As she was arriving, Oprah claimed she heard a lot of shouting and screaming coming from inside the house. Concerned for Harry's safety, she decided to investigate further. Oprah peeked through one of the windows and what she saw was truly shocking.

Meghan was in a full-blown rage, screaming at the top of her lungs and furiously throwing things around the room. Harry was cowering in the corner with a terrified look on his face. Oprah watched in horror as Meghan picked up a ceramic vase and hurled it directly at Harry, narrowly missing his head.

At that point, Oprah banged loudly on the window to get their attention. Meghan froze with a deer-in-the-headlights look when she saw Oprah staring back at her. Oprah immediately confronted Meghan about what she had witnessed, demanding to know what was going on.

According to Oprah, Meghan refused to take any responsibility for her actions and tried to blame Harry instead, saying he was annoying her. Oprah was having none of it and gave Meghan the riot act. She pointed out the double standard, saying if the roles were reversed and Harry was seen throwing things at Meghan, it would be considered domestic abuse.

Oprah told Meghan her behavior was completely unacceptable and threatened to go to the police if she ever saw anything like that again. She ordered Meghan to get help for her rage issues immediately before things escalated any further.

A visibly shaken Harry thanked Oprah for intervening but refused to make any allegations against his wife. He claimed the vase-throwing was just a one-time mistake in the heat of the moment. However, Oprah says she doesn't buy Harry's excuses for a second. Based on the fear she saw in his eyes, she believes this abuse has likely been going on for a long time behind closed doors.

Oprah made it clear to both of them that she regrets doing that interview and giving Meghan a platform. She now realizes Meghan may have been manipulating the story the entire time to portray herself as the victim.

In the week since this incident, Oprah has been doing some deep reflecting. She started noticing other red flags in Meghan's behavior that didn't seem quite right, like how Meghan always interrupts or talks over people, particularly Harry, how she twists events and puts her own selfish spin on things, and how Meghan plays the role of victim at any opportunity, even when it doesn't make sense.

According to sources, Oprah has started privately voicing her doubts about Meghan to friends. She thinks Meghan may have some serious narcissistic and borderline personality tendencies and that Meghan has been emotionally and verbally abusing Harry for a long time under the guise of feminism.

She realizes now that the interview was a huge mistake that has seriously damaged the royal family's reputation and discredited legitimate claims of racism. So, in a shocking turn of events, Oprah has now done a complete 180 on Meghan. Sources say Oprah is so disturbed by what she witnessed she's considering doing a follow-up interview to set the record straight. Only this time, she'll be holding Meghan accountable for her toxic behavior rather than giving her a friendly platform.

Oprah believes the world deserves to know the truth about what really goes on behind closed doors in that mansion in Montecito. In the meantime, Oprah is putting intense pressure on Harry to get Meghan serious mental health help ASAP. She's warned that if anything else happens, she will not hesitate to contact authorities herself.

Given all we've seen and heard so far, many people agree with Oprah that Meghan clearly has some serious unresolved issues. Her abuse of Harry is unacceptable and should not be tolerated under the guise of a royal marriage.

The question is, will Harry finally stand up to his wife's manipulation and get her the help she so clearly needs for both of their sakes? Or will he continue to enable and excuse her toxic behavior?

Either way, it seems Oprah has officially become team anti-Meghan after witnessing the disturbing truth firsthand, and I don't blame her one bit. After what she saw with her own two eyes, who knows what other dark secrets may still be hidden behind those mansion walls in Montecito.

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