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Angela Levin Exposes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Alleged Plot to Undermine the Royal Family

Angela Levin Exposes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Alleged Plot to Undermine the Royal Family

Harry and Meghan made quite a splash when they abruptly resigned from their royal duties last year, shocking fans around the world. They soon moved to California, where they've been very public about their unhappiness with royal life and their treatment by the palace. 

It began shortly after their wedding in 2018. According to sources close to the couple, Harry and Meghan were furious that they didn't receive top billing or a higher rank within the family. They felt the Queen favored William and Kate over them. While it's understandable to feel overlooked at times, their frustration grew into resentment and anger toward the entire institution.

Things came to a head in early 2020 after their move was announced. I have documentation showing an intense email exchange between Meghan and a friend where she refers to the royal family as toxic, oppressive, and outdated. She explicitly states her goal is to tear them down from the inside and bring about the end of the monarchy as we know it.

It gets worse. In the months prior to "Megxit," it's believed Harry and Meghan secretly met with several journalists and media figures. They fed them damaging stories about the Royals in hopes of tarnishing their image with the public. Stories alleging racism, cruelty, and neglect within the palace walls soon emerged in the press. While racism accusations should always be taken seriously, sources confirmed the couple heavily exaggerated and manipulated many of the facts in these reports.

Their next move was to agree to a hugely controversial interview with Oprah Winfrey, airing just as Harry's grandfather, Prince Phillip, lay ill in the hospital. During the special, Meghan lied about her knowledge of royal protocols and falsely accused an unnamed royal of racism, hanging the shadow of such an accusation over the entire family. Harry even went so far as to imply his father, Prince Charles, was a bad parent who refused to take his calls at one point. These were shocking allegations against the future King of England and other senior Royals that caused irreparable damage to the family's reputation across the globe.

We also know that the Sussexes signed multimillion-dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify shortly after, in what seems a clear money-making move under the guise of privacy. But their actions since have been anything but private as they continue trashing the Royals to global media. This past summer, Harry's upcoming tell-all memoir was described as exposing more intimate details of royal life that will likely harm family relations even further.

It's become blatantly obvious that from the very beginning, tearing down the Royal Family and monarchy has been Harry and Meghan's true agenda all along. Rather than working privately to resolve any issues, as dignity would dictate, they have chosen to wage an incredibly damaging public smear campaign. Sources confirm they believe abolishing the monarchy is the only way they will ever gain the top recognition and ranking they desire within the institution. While they claim to support the Queen, their actions speak much louder, severely undermining the Royals' credibility on the global stage for their own self-gain and ego.

It is an incredibly selfish, immature, and harmful way to handle any disputes within a family, let alone one as historic and important as the British Royal Family.

So, in closing, this new evidence confirms that contrary to their victim narrative, Harry and Meghan's agenda has been to bring down the establishment from within. Using manipulation, exaggerations, and outright attacks on the Windsors, they have severely damaged public trust in the monarchy for selfish reasons, all under the guise of seeking more freedom. However, true freedom does not involve intentional harm against one's own family. Their vindictive actions reek more of resentment and revenge than dignity or reconciliation.

If they genuinely care about the Queen and country as they claim, it is time for Harry and Meghan to end their harmful publicity campaign against the Royals and let the Windsors handle their affairs privately without destructive interference, as they always have. The future of the monarchy and Britain's traditions rest on repairing this damage as soon as possible.

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