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Hotel Manager Unleashes Fury on Prince Harry, Cancels Duke’s 5-Star Booking in Colombia Amid Controversy

Hotel Manager Unleashes Fury on Prince Harry, Cancels Duke’s 5-Star Booking in Colombia Amid Controversy

Prince  Harry and Meghan Markle decided to embark on their first major international trip together since stepping back as senior Royals. They chose Colombia as their destination and, naturally, traveled by private jet. However, their visit has faced significant criticism from the start. Many Colombians felt offended that the Sussexes chose their country as more of an exotic backdrop for a Netflix filming project rather than showing genuine concern for the local people and issues. 

Protests erupted against what was perceived as pretentious behavior and poverty tourism. In an attempt to manage the PR disaster, Harry announced they would donate money to various local charities during the trip. But the damage had already been done, painting them as disconnected elitists more interested in good selfies than substance.

Things escalated further when details emerged about their lavish hotel accommodations. They had booked the ultra-swanky Hotel Casa Medina, located in the historic colonial city of Cartagena. It’s one of Colombia's grandest hotels, boasting five-star amenities like an infinity pool and a private beach. Naturally, many Colombians were furious to see two Royals indulging in such opulence while their country still grapples with profound poverty, inequality, and violence. Protests continued at the hotel, demanding Harry and Meghan either get real or leave.

It seems the pressure finally got to the hotel manager, who made a shocking decision to cancel Harry's multi-room reservation just hours before their arrival, citing security concerns. He didn’t want disruptions from the Sussex demonstrations to affect other guests. Reports say Meghan threw a fit like a teenage diva when informed, screaming at staff on the phone and making rude demands. Meanwhile, a more composed Harry seemed focused on finding alternative lodgings quickly. Through frantic calls, they managed to secure a last-minute booking at another five-star hotel, Hotel San Felipe—certainly costing a fortune for the late change, but Harry always travels in the finest comfort, regardless of cost or criticism.

The Sussex team tried to frame this as a security scare to make themselves look less entitled, but nobody was fooled. It was clear retaliation against the outpouring of Colombian anger over their trip. The hotel manager simply didn’t want to be associated with such controversial Royals. Now, questions are being raised about whether Harry still paid full price to Casa Medina after the cancellation. This is the same man who constantly preaches about saving the planet while chartering private jets as if they were Ubers. Actions versus words, as always, with Prince Hypocrite.

To add insult to injury, protests followed Harry and Meghan to their new hotel. Locals were outside banging pots, waving signs, and telling them to leave, while the Royals stayed inside, posting cheesy content to Instagram. How embarrassing for a supposed King-in-Waiting. Back home, coverage of Harry’s tantrum trip hasn’t been well-received either. Even their usual Royal fan club, tabloids like the Daily Mail, slammed their tone-deaf antics. Critics say they’ve ruined any remaining goodwill after "Megxit" with their out-of-touch behavior during an economic crisis. It’s clear that lately, the only things Harry and Meghan care about are themselves and lining their pockets. Their pretense of public service is fooling no one anymore. 

This Colombian catastrophe is unlikely to attract future corporations to their speaking tour circuit. On top of being bad PR for the couple, this shambolic goodwill tour has likely further damaged Harry’s reputation with the rest of his family. Despite claiming he wanted privacy, he seems to love these global media spectacles. King Charles must be livid at this point. Most experts agree the Sussex brand is toxic and diminishing fast. They’ve lost credibility on every front—Royal, humanitarian, business—and even big bucks partnerships like Netflix are likely having doubts. It seems their days of staying relevant through Royal fame are numbered.

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