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Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard Faces Major Setback After Trademark Rejection

Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard Faces Major Setback After Trademark Rejection

Meghan Markle's lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, is experiencing yet another significant setback, just five months after a rocky soft launch. The phrase "Fail to plan, plan to fail" seems to be coming to life here, as the brand struggles with a series of issues. The latest development involves complications with their trademarks, which has led to a major delay.

When Meghan Markle launched American Riviera Orchard in March, it was met with much fanfare but, unfortunately, no products. The soft launch was less than impressive—more of a confusing and underwhelming presentation than an exciting preview. The initial reveal was a strange, eerie video that left many more scared than enthusiastic about the brand. We only got a glimpse of what Meghan had in store by examining her trademark filings, which revealed a vast range of products from dog treats to yoga mats, cookbooks, wine, and even the infamous jam.

Fast forward to now, and the situation has become even more problematic. Filing a trademark is a serious matter involving meticulous details and no room for error. Unfortunately, Meghan's team has made several mistakes, leading to the rejection of their applications. This not only delays the process but incurs additional costs. The trademark office requires each product category to have its own application. Misclassifications and vague descriptions led to the rejection of over ten applications, meaning Meghan’s team has to start over and pay the fees again.

This isn’t Meghan’s first trademark blunder. Her attempt to trademark Archewell Foundation was rejected due to vagueness, unpaid fees, and an unsigned application. Despite having the resources, Meghan’s team seems to be making fundamental errors, which is surprising given the stakes.

Adding to the woes, Meghan is still without a CEO for American Riviera Orchard. Recent reports suggest she’s looking for investors and connections while mingling with new acquaintances in the Hamptons. Her cooking show, which was slated for a September release, is also in jeopardy given the current delays with American Riviera Orchard. It’s unlikely the cooking show will debut without a product launch to accompany it.

With the brand’s launch initially planned for spring, then summer, and now possibly delayed until 2025, American Riviera Orchard faces an uncertain future. This delay echoes past issues with other projects like her Archetypes podcast. With significant contracts and projects coming up for renewal, 2025 may not be a stellar year for Meghan and Harry.

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