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Nacho Figueras Hits Back: Prince Harry Slammed Over His Outrageous Royal Family Remarks

Nacho Figueras Hits Back: Prince Harry Slammed Over His Outrageous Royal Family Remarks

The polo world was rocked this week as Nacho Figueras, a close friend and frequent polo partner of Prince Harry, delivered a scathing rebuke of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Figueras, considered one of the top polo players in the world, has long been a vocal supporter of the Sussex couple. However, he says he can no longer remain silent after Harry and Meghan's latest string of public attacks against the British royal family.

It all began when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex sat down for a tell-all interview with a prominent U.S. television host in June 2023. In the explosive interview, Harry and Meghan made a number of incendiary claims about the inner workings of the royal family, including allegations of racism, emotional neglect, and a general lack of support from "The Firm." The interview shocked the monarchy and sparked a major public relations crisis for Buckingham Palace. Many royal observers felt the Sussexes had gone too far in their public airing of private family matters.

Nacho Figueras, who has counted both Harry and Meghan as close friends for years, initially stood by the couple, urging the public to have empathy and understanding for their situation. However, Figueras' tune has now changed dramatically. In a tell-all interview of his own, the Argentine polo star voiced his deep disappointment and growing anger with the Sussexes' continued public attacks on the royal family.

"I've stood by Harry and Meghan for a long time because they are my friends and I love them, but enough is enough," Figueras said. "The things they have been saying about the royal family are just wrong. It's unacceptable to keep attacking the Queen, the Prince of Wales, and others in this way. At a certain point, you have to stay loyal to the people who have been there for you, not just go along with your spouse no matter what."

Figueras went on to express his concern that the Sussexes have become consumed by bitterness and resentment, allowing it to override the goodwill and support they once enjoyed. He said he has personally tried to counsel Harry and Meghan to take the high road and find a way to make peace with the royals, but his pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

"Harry and Meghan seem to be in this mode where they just want to burn everything down. It's like they have this unquenchable thirst for revenge against the institution and the family that, in many ways, gave them so much," Figueras lamented.

The polo star was particularly critical of the Sussexes' most recent bombshell interview, in which they made a series of explosive claims about Meghan's treatment by the royal family. Figueras called the accusations outrageous and divorced from reality.

"The Queen has been nothing but loving and caring towards Meghan. The Prince of Wales adored her and went out of his way to make her feel welcome, yet Harry and Meghan insist on painting this picture of a cold, uncaring family that was somehow racist and cruel to Meghan. It's simply not true," Figueras said.

He went on to express his view that the Sussexes' never-ending attacks on the royals are not just hurtful but deeply damaging to the monarchy itself. Figueras said he fears the constant public airing of private family matters is eroding public respect and affection for the institution of the Crown.

"The Queen has given her whole life to serving the British people with dignity, grace, and honor. She is one of the most beloved figures in the world, and yet Harry and Meghan seem intent on dragging her name through the mud," Figueras lamented. "I think it's shameful, and I'm honestly ashamed to call them my friends anymore."

The polo star said he has made repeated attempts to reach out to the Sussexes and urge them to step back from their aggressive public posture, but he claims his pleas have fallen on deaf ears, with Harry and Meghan doubling down on their confrontational approach.

"I've told them, 'Please, for the love of God, stop this madness. Make peace with your family. Focus on the good you can do in the world instead of this unending feud.' But they won't listen. They're just consumed by this vendetta," Figueras said.

When asked if he thinks the Sussexes' attacks on the royals are motivated by a desire for revenge or simply an inability to move on, Figueras said he believes it's a toxic combination of both.

"I think there's a real element of resentment and bitterness there. They feel they were wronged by the institution, and they want payback. But I also think there's an inability to let go and heal the wounds. They're stuck in this negative spiral that is only harming them and everyone around them," he said.

The explosive interview has sent shockwaves through the royal fan community, with many expressing shock and dismay at Figueras' public rebuke of his friends. Some have accused the polo star of betraying the Sussexes, while others have praised him for finally speaking the truth.

Buckingham Palace has yet to comment on Figueras' remarks. However, royal experts say the intervention of such a high-profile, longtime Sussex supporter is a significant blow to Harry and Meghan's credibility and public standing. As the war of words between the Sussexes and the Windsors rages on, it remains to be seen whether Figueras' scathing criticism will prompt any change in the couple's confrontational approach. For now, it appears the rift between the Sussexes and the royal family is only deepening, with no end in sight.

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